The interview: W. Robert Wright, Jr., FACMPE

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

The PPD File: W. Robert Wright, Jr., FACMPE Position: Chairman, Medical Group Management Association. Age: 49. Education: Auburn University. Career Highlights: CEO, The Starlight Group, present; president, CEO, West Virginia University Health Associates, 1996-1999; chief operating officer, University of Virginia’s Health Services Foundation, 1991-1996; president, American College of Medical Practice Executives, 1988-89 Robert Wright began his career in practice administration in 1973, soon after the federal government instituted Medicare and set in motion fundamental changes to the healthcare system and the practice of medicine. Things have changed plenty since those ‘you bill it, we’ll pay it’ days. Surprisingly, though, Wright says the basics of running a successful practice haven’t changed all that much. "Essentially the basics -- the blocking and tackling of healthcare management -- are still services: doing the job on a day-to-day basis so that people are convinced there is value to what they receive," Wright says. That’s not ...

Palavras chave: , , practice, , , group, changed, wright, , --, they, job, how, management, has, changed , people, need, healthcare, -- blocking,


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