Cyberspace Marketing: Online Databases, Home Pages Offer M.D.s Direct Link To Potential Patients

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

By Laura Spanton. Shopping for patients? Try promoting your services where millions of potential patients routinely gather: the World Wide Web. The Internet can be a great marketing tool for physicians, whether it's via your own custom home page,or an on-line physician database service. . Robert Musacchio, vice president of information resources and chief information offer at the American Medical Association expresses concerns about databases listing incorrect addresses. But most companies contacted say they get their information from state licensing boards-and it should be accurate. Further, most offer physicians an option to review and add information for a nominal fee. Company Listings . MedAcess Corp. in Lexington, Mass.,( offers a variety of Internet listing services, including The Physician Locator,a database of 600,000 physicians categorized by city and state, medical school or specialty. Other services offered by MedAccess include lists of hospitals, nursing homes, health maintenance organizations and practice associations, providing consumers a way to cross-reference physicians' affiliations. . The AMA offers a database listing service at its award-winning Web-Site called Physician Select (http://www.ama- For the first time, the AMA's complete database of physicians is available ...

Palavras chave: physicians, information, database, home, internet, service, patients, their, says, available, physician, listing, medical, services, fee, york city-based, detailed information, home page, available consumers, including a practice brochure,


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