Online Resources for Physicians and their Patients

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Disclaimer: These reviews are the result of individual evaluation by our editors. Physician’s Practice Digest is not responsible for the contents of these web sites. All links were current at the time of publication.. The National Rural Health Association is a national membership organization whose mission is to improve the health and health care of rural Americans and to provide leadership on rural issues through advocacy, communications, education, and research. The NRHA is a nonprofit association headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., with a government affairs office in Washington, D.C. Its Web site includes several sample publications and a search engine that finds topics related to rural health through their database. . Med Chi, the medical association for Maryland, recently revamped its site to include interactive pages which allow members to post comments to influence current legislation. A new Government Affairs section contains a running list of bills being followed by the legislative committees, with full-text and up-to-the-minute status of each bill. The site also provides access to Med Chi's position papers, testimony, and correspondence, as well as a master calendar of events and the society's members newsletter. .

Palavras chave: site, health, medical, web, physicians, association, their, states, web site, through, education, access, provides, rural, information, rural health, government affairs, improve health, research, doctor take years,


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