Image Is Everything. Use the Internet to Market Your Practice

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

by Kelly Cowie. Attracting new patients to your practice is a perennial challenge, whether you've been practicing medicine for 30 years or 30 days. The problem is that few physicians have the time or money to launch a major marketing campaign. However, with the continual proliferation of the Internet, new, relatively simple, and cheap options for expanding a medical practice are becoming increasingly available. In fact, the key to adding new patients may be just a mouse-click away.. Physicians may not have a lot of time to 'surf' the World Wide Web, but most patients apparently do. This year, more than 30 million adults will be using the Web to search for medical information, according to a recent survey by industry research firm Cyber Dialogue. . Moreover, say the experts, having a Web presence is just the beginning. What will really bring new patients to your doorstep, and keep current patients happy, is the addition of services, educational opportunities, and communication technology..

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