Caught in a Cash Crunch? Try Buying Used.

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Used Medical Equipment Makes a Comeback as Higher-Quality Products Hit Market . By Janice Simmons. Among the many juggling acts physicians are asked to perform, one of the most difficult is trying to keep a watchful eye on the bottom line and still provide the latest in high-quality medical care. A possible solution: buying used medical equipment. . Shunned for years by practices and hospitals that perceived it as inferior or not up to current technological standards, used medical equipment is making a comeback. Over the past decade, buyouts and mergers of practices and hospitals have created an influx of usedbut still perfectly usablemedical equipment. In addition, a slowdown in technological advances in some areas means an availability of equipment that won't become obsolete overnight. . Depending on the type of medical equipment, and its condition at the time of resale, physicians could save anywhere from 30 to 70 percent by buying used, says Greg Weiner, president of the International Association of Medical Equipment Remarketers (IAMER), a 4-year-old industry group.. Asking the right questions . However, shopping for used equipment requires different skills than buying new products, Weiner emphasizes. "By and large, most end-users don't understand that the processes they use to acquire new equipment will ...

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