Are You Prepared for a Disability?

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

"It can't happen to me," this middle-aged optometrist thought. But what began as a relaxing day of biking turned her life and practice upside down.. By Barbara Anan. It was late August last year and, following my usual half-day in the office on Saturday, I was looking forward to heading off to Rehoboth Beach, Del., for a few days of relaxation. . My husband and I arrived on Sunday, and the following morning set off on a bike ride along the boardwalk and down this quaint beach town's many side streets. This pleasure trip turned to tragedy, though, when I blacked out and crashed to the ground. When my husband didn't see me in his bike mirror he retraced his path and found me lying bleeding and unconscious on the ground, in the throes of a seizure. A passerby called an ambulance on a cell phone and I was rushed to the ER.. Learning to walk. A physician there took care of some sutures for a cut around my left eye and a neurosurgeon was brought in to diagnose the extent of my injuries. The diagnosis: a left temporal lobe contusion that caused a subarachnoid hemorrhage. After the neurosurgeon performed a life-saving craniotomy and subsequent tracheotomy, I remained unconscious for eight days. The etiology of the bike accident was and is still unknown. Tests have ruled out a myocardial infarction and an aneurysm. At 50, I have suffered from hypoglycemia ...

Palavras chave: still, injury, year, phil, practice, walk, how, could, accident, bike, beach, still suffer, brain injury, side, lying, ground, effects, chore first overload, chore first, falling shopping still,


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