Earn Money From the Comfort of Your Own Practice

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Physicians Like Income, Ability to Stay on Cutting Edge That Comes From Participating in Pharmaceutical Trials . By Bryan Walpert. Angelo S. Agro, MD, and his four partners had never conducted a clinical drug trial when they were approached three years ago by ACER/EXCEL Inc., a New Jersey-based contract research organization that manages trials for pharmaceutical companies. . Agro, an ear, nose and throat specialist in Vorhees, N.J., was intrigued. He liked the idea of getting a first-hand look at cutting-edge drugs, and he was ultimately pleased with a second source of income. . "The compensation has been good, particularly with managed care coming along," Agro says. "You don't get rich on it, so to speak, but the bottom line is worthwhile.". Funds shift to MDs . Agro isn't alone. Drug companies spent about $3 billion in the form of grants to clinical research centers, including physicians, last year, up from $1.9 billion in 1992, according to CenterWatch, a Boston-based publisher that focuses on the clinical research industry. . Though academic institutions still get the bulk of drug trial dollars, pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations (CROs) increasingly are turning to physicians in private practice. A little more than half went to academic medical centers last year, down from more ...

Palavras chave: , physicians, trials, research, clinical, companies, drug, pharmaceutical, income, percent, drug companies, agro, easy, he, last year, clinical trials, managed care, money, managed, drug companies find,


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