Are Meetings Leaving You and Your Colleagues Comatose?

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Experts Offer Their Tips on How to Run an Effective, Efficient Staff Meeting. By Christine Kilgore . When he was CEO of the Carle Clinic in Urbana, Ill., John W. Pollard, MD, used to prepare for staff meetings by mentally writing the minutes ahead of time. He'd think through what he thought would happen at each meeting, what questions people would have, and how they would vote. . "It gives you an opportunity to plan and anticipate, and to deal with the problems you can ahead of time, talk with the people you need to [to line up support]," says Pollard, who retired in 1997.. Like many other tried and tested medical group leaders, Pollard is quick to attest to the fact that without careful planning and attention to detail, meetings can be a drag. Discussions can go on for hours, attention can wane, frustrations can rise, and little will be accomplished. And this is all at the expense of time spent with patients or at home.. "In most corporate settings, people who attend meetings are on a salary. But physicians are usually pulled out of their productive capacity," says Sandra Gill, a consultant who teaches physicians how to manage meetings. "Meetings need to be worth much more than what [that production] would generate.". Taking a vote. Running effective meetings isn't easy, she and Pollard say, but it's far from impossible. With ...

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