Preventive Care is Good Medicine

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

by Kelly Cowie. The National Roundtable on Health Care Quality, published in an issue of the American Journal of Medicine, reached some startling conclusions. For instance, panel members concluded that "millions of Americans are not being reached by proven, effective interventions that can save lives and prevent disability." Moreover, they said, "large numbers of people are injured annually because preventable complications are not averted.". Such statements should prove more than a little unsettling to physicians, many of whom feel they are already working harder than ever before. Although physician schedules are not likely to lighten up anytime soon, there are strategies for preventive medicine that can be incorporated into even the busiest practices. . David H. Tennenbaum, director of health policy and innovations for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, says that there is general consensus among most mainstream healthcare organizations on the right preventive interventions to follow, and most groups have benchmarking tools available. ...

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