The Patient Will See You Now

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Are Managed Care and the Information Age Making Patients Take a Tougher Look at Their Doctors?. By Bonnie Darves. THE VITALS We have more information than ever before when it comes to our physicians and healthcare choices — the Internet, online malpractice records, media reports on managed care’s abuses. So has all this information created a warier patient? Opinions are divided. David Lansky, president of the Foundation for Accountability in Portland, Ore., believes that while consumers may want to become more analytical in making their healthcare decisions, they don’t yet have the tools to do so effectively. People are still making critical healthcare decisions "over the back fence," Lansky says. Yet, in the handful of states that have begun publishing physician profiles online, consumers are actively accessing the information. Physicians may be their own worst enemies when it comes to preserving the doctor-patient relationship, says Michael Donio, director of projects ...

Palavras chave: , , , their, , information, care, consumers, patients, patient, , medical, informed, says, information, patients , new, has, decisions, healthcare,


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