Pinched Pennies: How to Reward Your Staff When You Can't Afford Raises

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

By Vicki Gerson . The need for a skilled medical office staff has never been greater. Caseloads are increasing and the complexity of billing and administrative tasks is at an all-time high. But how do you reward valued employees in the penny pinching environment of managed care? . First of all, says Atlanta consultant Karen Wood, if times truly are tough make sure your employees are aware of it. . "Many staff members assume there is a lot of money available, Wood points out. "They don't understand that expenses are high and reimbursements may be down." . But raises, bonuses and other monetary rewards are not the only way to keep your staff happy and increase loyalty. One of the most persistent problems facing workers today is getting out of work in time to meet the daycare center or sitter's pick-up time. Many physicians' offices have a predominately female staff, some of whom are single mothers. Wood and other consultants suggest making sure those employees aren't kept late and forced to pay extra fees for childcare. If necessary, and possible, restructure your hours to let them start work and leave earlier. . Another suggestion: Post an office bulletin board featuring noteworthy information about your staff and their families. If your receptionist's son is recognized in the local paper as an outstanding soccer player, cut it out and hang ...

Palavras chave: staff, employees, reward, office, employee, wood, inexpensive, them, other, another, day, weekend, has, dont, day off, staff has, touch, worked hard, entire staff, small cash reward,


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