Life in the Digital Fast Lane

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Hot, New Products that Make Work, and Life, a Little More Convenient. By Allison Blake. . First came computers hooked to the office mainframe, then the specialized technology of a particular profession. Along the way, consumers debated whether to buy CD players—what with all those tapes and LPs stacked in the den—or whether accessing a few laboriously-produced HTML pages was worth risking a case of Internet addiction.. . Now, of course, we have little choice. New technologies long ago pushed life into the digital fast lane. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the hottest new electronic gadgets, gizmos, or for technology die-hards, necessities, designed to help us keep up with life’s accelerated pace.. . PALM III. . A hot commodity: that’s how sales experts describe the Palm III, the third and most recent version of the ever-popular PalmPilot organizer. Now with a flip-top cover, the pocket-sized Palm III is simple to use. All you do is "write" with an ink-free "pen" that enters your script on the Palm’s pad. Punch through menu icons as you click from address book to e-mail.. . With appropriate third-party applications, you can even settle the Palm III into its cradle and download documents into your PC. At 2 megabytes, the newest Palm doubles the RAM found in the most recent version of the PalmPilot. It’s also compatible with either PC ...

Palavras chave: palm, pc, palm iii, iii, new, transfer, life, office, color, then, windows, version, also, fast lane, mb ram, hp 620lx, infrared, lane, hot, the system runs,


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