Bibliografia - 2ª Parte

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

O asterisco (*) designa um artigo que foi de especial valor para preparação deste número de Population Reports.

*151. JAIN, A. and BRUCE, J. Implications of reproductive health for objectives and efficacy of family planning programs. New York, Population Council, 1993. (Working Papers No. 8) 37 p.

152. JESANI, A. Limits of empowerment: Women in rural health care. Economic and Political Weekly 25(20): 1098-1103. 1990.

153. JOHANSSON, S. and NYGREN, O. The missing girls of China: A new demographic account. Population and Development Review 17(1): 35-51. 1991.

154. JONES, E.F., et al. Teenage pregnancy in industrial countries. New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 1986. 324 p.

155. JORDAN. DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS (JDOS). and CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC). DIVISION OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH. Jordan Husbands' Fertility Survey: 1985. Report of principal findings. Amman, Jordan. and Atlanta, Georgia, JDOS. and CDC, Mar. 1987. 129 p.

156. KABEER, N. From fertility reduction to reproductive choice: Gender perspectives on family planning. Brighton, England, Institute of Development Studies, Mar. 1992. (Discussion Paper No. 299) 38 p.

*157. KAK, L.P. and NARASIMHAN, S. The impact of family planning employment on field workers' lives: A strategy for measuring empowerment. Washington, D.C., Centre for Development and Population Activities, 1992. (Working Paper No. 1) 26 p.

158. KAK, L.P. and SIGNER, B. The introduction of community-based family planning services in rural Mali: The Katibougou Family Health Project. Washington, D.C., Centre for Development and Population Activities, 1993. (Working Paper No. 2) 12 p.

159. KANE, T.T. and SIVASUBRAMANIAM, S. Husband-wife attitudes toward family planning in Sri Lanka: Husband-wife communication, contraceptive decision-making and consistency of reporting of contraceptive use. Presentedat the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, Apr. 20-23, 1988. 30 p.

160. KARKI, Y.B. Sex preference and the value of sons and daughters in Nepal. Studies in Family Planning 19(3): 169-178. May-Jun. 1988.

161. KAY, B.J., GERMAIN, A., and BANGSER, M. The Bangladesh Women's Health Coalition. [Summaries in FRE, SPA] Quality/Calidad/Qualité No. 3. New York, PC, 1991. p. 1-24.

162. KENNEDY, E., and PETERS, P. Household food security and child nutrition: the interaction of income and gender of household head. World Development 20(8): 1077-1085. Aug. 1992.

163. KENNEDY, E.T. and COGILL, B. Income and nutritional effects of the commercialization of agriculture in southwestern Kenya. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute, 1987. (Research Report 63) 60 p.

164. KENYA. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT (NCPD). and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MACRO SYSTEMS (IRD). Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1989. Columbia, Maryland, NCPD. and IRD, Oct. 1989. 158 p.

165. KEYSERS, L. Population-and-environment from women's perspective. WGNRR Newsletter 36: 11-15. Jul.-Sep. 1991.

166. KHAN, M.E. and PARVEEN, S. Subjective efficacy and acceptance of family planning. Journal of Family Welfare 33(4): 40-47. Jun.1977.

167. KHATTAB, H.A.S. The silent endurance: Social conditions of women's reproductive health in rural Egypt. New York, United Nations Children's Fund. and Population Council, 1992. 59 p.

168. KIM, C.H. and LEE, S.J. Role of husband in family planning behavior. Psychological Studies in Population/Family Planning 1(5): 1-23. May 1973.

169. KINCAID, D.L. Community networks and familiy planning promotion: Impact of the 'Jiggasha' approach in Trishal, Bangladesh. [Abstract] Presented at the 121st Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, Oct. 24-28, 1993. 8 p.

170. KINCAID, D.L., ELIAS, J.R.J., COLEMAN, P., and SEGURA, F. Getting the message: The Communication for Young People Project. Washington, D.C., United States Agency for International Development, 1988. (A.I.D.Evaluation Special Study No. 56) 28 p.

171. KINCAID, D.L., MERRITT, A.P., NICKERSON, L., BUFFINGTON, S.D.,DE CASTRO, M.P., and DE CASTRO, B.M. The mass media vasectomy promotion campaign in Brazil: Impact on clinic inquiries attendance, and performance. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Communication Services, 1991. (Mimeo)

172. KING, E.M. Educating girls and women: Investing in development. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1990. 19 p.

173. KIRAGU, K. Factors associated with sexual and contraceptive behavior among school adolescents in Kenya: The 1989 Nakuru District Adolescent Fertility Survey, final report. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Aug. 1991. 38 p.

174. KIRAGU, K. Nigeria: The PSA/logo campaign: Results of the evaluation. [Draft] Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Population Communication Services, Mar. 20, 1994. 55 p.

175. KIRBY, D., RESNIK, M.D., DOWNES, B., et al. The effects of school-based health clinics in St. Paul upon schoolwide birth rates. [To be published in Family Planning Perspectives]

176. KIRBY, D., WASZAK, C., and ZIEGLER, J. Six school-based clinics: Their reproductive health services and impact on sexual behavior. Family Planning Perspectives 23(1): 6-16. Jan.-Feb. 1991.

177. KISHOR, S. "May God give sons to all": A study of gender inequality in India, 1981. Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., Mar. 21-24, 1991. 32 p.

178. KNODEL, J., HAVANON, N., and SITTITRAI, W. Family size and the education of children in the context of rapid fertility decline. AnnArbor, Michigan, University of Michigan, 1989. (Population Studies Center Research Report No. 89-155) 49 p.

179. KOENIG, M.A., FAUVEAU, V., CHOWDHURY, A.I., CHAKRABORTY, J., and KHAN, M.A. Maternal mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh: 1976-85. Studies in Family Planning 19: 69-80. 1988.

180. KRISHNAN, P. and DIGHE, A. Affirmation and denial: Construction of femininity on Indian television. Newbury Park, California, Sage, 1990. p. 128 p.

181. KRISTOF, N.D. Peasants of China discover new way to weed out girls. New York Times, Jul. 21, 1993. p. A-1, A-6.

182. KRITZ, M.M. and GURAK, D.T. Women's position, education and family formation in sub-Saharan Africa. Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, 1989. (Population and Development Program, 1989 Working Paper Series 1.06) 22 p.

183. KUENYEHIA, A. In Ghana: Legal aid services for women. In: Schuler, M.A., ed. Women, law and development—Action for change. Washington, D.C., OEF International, 1990. (Series on Women, Law, and Development: Issues and Strategies for Change No. 2) p. 53-59.

184. LADIPO, P. Women in a maize storage co-operative in Nigeria: Family planning, credit and technological change. In: Oppong, C., ed. Sex roles, population and development in West Africa. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Heinemann, 1987. p. 101-117.

185. LANDE, R. Controlling sexually transmitted diseases. Population Reports, Series L, No. 9. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Jun. 1993. 32 p.

186. LETTENMAIER, C. and GALLEN, M.E. Counseling guide. Population Reports, Series J, No. 36. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Dec. 1987. 28 p.

187. LETTENMAIER, C., LISKIN, L., CHURCH, C.A., and HARRIS, J.A. Mothers' lives matter: Maternal health in the community. Population Reports, Series L, No. 7. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Sep. 1988. 32 p.

188. LEWIS, G. [Empowerment of family planning field workers.] Presented at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, Jan. 28, 1993. [Notes from presentation]

189. LISKIN, L., BENOIT, E., and BLACKBURN, R. Vasectomy: New Opportunities. Population Reports, Series D, No. 5. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Mar. 1992. 24 p.

190. LISKIN, L., WHARTON, C., BLACKBURN, R., and KESTELMAN, P. Condoms—Now more than ever. Population Reports, Series H, No. 8. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Sep. 1990. 36 p.

191. LISKIN, L.S. Maternal morbidity in developing countries: A review and comments. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 37: 77-87. 1992.

192. LIVI-BACCI, M. Le changement démographique et le cycle devie des femmes. [Demographic change and the life cycle of women.] In: E. Sullerot, ed. Le Fait Fémenin. [The feminine reality.] [FRE] Paris, Fayard, 1978. p. 467-478.

*193. LLOYD, C. Family and gender issues for population policy. Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, Gaborone, Botswana, Jun. 22-26, 1992. 31 p.

194. LLOYD, C. What is the family (and who does the planning)? Populi 20(4): 8-11. Apr. 1993.

195. LLOYD, C.B. The contribution of the World Fertility Surveys to an understanding of the relationship between women's work and fertility. Studies in Family Planning 22(3): 144-161. May-Jun. 1991.

196. LLOYD, C.B. and BRANDON, A.J. Women's role in maintaining households: Poverty and gender inequality in Ghana. New York, Population Council, 1991. (Working Papers No. 25) 55 p.

197. LLOYD, C.B. and GAGE-BRANDON, A.J. High fertility and the intergenerational transmission of gender inequality: Children's transition to adulthood in Ghana. Presented at a seminar on Women and Demographic Changein sub-Saharan Africa, Dakar, Senegal, Mar. 3-6, 1993. 24 p.

198. LONGWE, S.H. Gender awareness: The missing element in the Third World development project. Presented at a training program in WID issues for FINNIDA staff, Helsinki, Finland, Jan. 30-Feb. 15, 1989. 11 p.

199. LOZARE, B.V., GILL-BAILEY, A., HESS, R., VALMADRID, C., YUN, S.H., LIVESAY, A., KHAN, S.R., and SIDDIQUI, N. Husband-wife communication and family planning: Impact of a national TV drama. Presented at the 1993 Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, California, Oct. 25, 1993. 11 p.

200. LYNAM, P., RABINOVITZ, L.M., and SHOBOWALE, M. Using self-assessment to improve the quality of family planning clinic services. Studies in Family Planning 24(4): 252-260. Jul.-Aug. 1993.

201. MAGUIRE, E.S. USAID's Office of Population: Program Priorities and Challenges. Presented at the 1994 Meeting of the United States Agency for International Development Office of Population Cooperating Agencies, Washington, D.C., Feb. 22-25, 1994. 12 p.

202. MAINE, D. Safe motherhood programs: Options and issues. New York, Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University, 1991. 61 p.

203. MAINE, D., ROSENFIELD, A., WALLACE, M., KIMBALL, A.M., KWAST, B., PAPIERNIK, E., and WHITE, S. Prevention of maternal deaths in developing countries: Program options and practical considerations. (Prepared for the International "Safe Motherhood" Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, Feb. 10-13, 1987.) 50 p.

204. MANNAN, M.A. Sexual division of labour and son preference in rural Bangladesh. Demography India 17(2): 242-272. 1988.

205. MANSA, E. Growing confidence: Villagers in Ghana's IP pilot areas learn the power of self-help. Integration 29: 35-37. Sep.1991.

206. MASON, K.O. A feminist perspective on fertility decline. (Rev.) Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, Apr. 21-23, 1988. 19 p.

*207. MASON, K.O. The status of women: A review of its relationships to fertility and mortality. [New York], Rockefeller Foundation, 1984. 86 p.

208. MAYOUX, L. Integration is not enough: Gender inequality and empowerment in Nicaraguan agricultural co-operatives. Development Policy Review 11(1): 67-89. Mar. 1993.

209. MBILINYI, M. Struggles over patriarchal structural adjustment in Tanzania. Focus on Gender 1(3): 26-29. Oct. 1993.

210. MCCARTHY, J. and MAINE, D. A framework for analyzing the determinants of maternal mortality. Studies in Family Planning 23(1): 23-34. Jan.-Feb. 1992.

211. MCCAULEY, A.P., WEST, S., and LYNCH, M. Household decisions among the Gogo people of Tanzania: Determining the roles of men, women and the community in implementing a trachoma prevention program. Social Science and Medicine 34(7): 817-824. 1992.

212. MEDAWAR, J. The history of family planning in Britain. In: Medawar, J. and Pyke, D., eds. Family planning. Harmondsworth, England, Penguin, 1971. p. 45-57.

213. MENSCH, B. Using situation analysis to develop quality of care indicators: Examples from Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania. Presented at the Africa Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project Conference, Nairobi, Oct. 4-7 1993.

214. MOHR, J.C. Patterns of abortion and the response of American physicians, 1790-1930. In: Leavitt, J.W., ed. Women and health in America: Historical readings. Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. p. 117-123.

215. MORRIS, L. Sexual behavior and use of contraception among young adults: What have we learned from the young adult reproductive health surveys in Latin America? Presented at the 1st Inter-African Conference on Adolescent Health, Nairobi, Mar. 24-27, 1992. 31 p.

216. MORRIS, L. Sexual experience and use of contraception among young adults in Latin America. Presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Toronto, May 3-5, 1990. 33 p.

*217. MOSER, C.O.N. Gender planning and development: Theory, practice and training. London, Routledge, 1993. 285 p.

218. MOSER, C.O.N. Gender planning in the Third World: Meeting practical and strategic gender needs. World Development 17(11): 1799-1825. 1989.

219. MOTT, F.L. and MOTT, S.H. Household fertility decisions in West Africa: A comparison of male and female survey results. Studies in Family Planning 16(2): 88-99. Mar.-Apr. 1985.

220. MUCHENA, O. Are women integrated into development? Africa Report??: 4-6. Mar.-Apr. 1983.

221. MURAMATSU, M. Family planning: History, programs and practice. In: Population Problems Research Council, The Mainichi Newspaper. and the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP), eds. Fertility and family planning in Japan. Tokyo, JOICFP, 1977. p. 21-51.

222. MURTY, R. Conjugal interaction patterns and fertility behaviour: A multivariate study. Journal of Family Welfare 33(1): 38-51. Sep. 1986.

223. MWANIKI, N. Against many odds: The dilemmas of women's self-help groups in Mbeere, Kenya. Africa 56(2): 210-227. 1986.

224. NAG, M. Sex preference in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, and its effect on fertility. New York, Population Council, 1991. (Working Papers No. 27) 43 p.

225. NANDAN, G. India to ban prenatal sex determination. British Medical Journal 306: 353. 1993.

226. NARIMAN, H.N. Soap operas for social change: Toward a methodology for entertainment-education television. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, 1993. 143 p.

227. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Contraception and reproduction: Health consequences for women and children in the developing world. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1989. 127 p.

228. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Risking the future: Adolescent sexuality, pregnancy, and childbearing. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1987.

229. NATIONAL VICTIM CENTER (NVC). and CRIME VICTIMS RESEARCH AND TREATMENT CENTER (CVRTC). Rape in America: A report to the nation. Arlington, Virginia. and Charleston, South Carolina, NVC. and CVRTC, Medical University of South Carolina, Apr. 23, 1992. 16 p.

230. NEWMAN, K., ed. Progress postponed: Abortion in Europe in the 1990s. London, International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1993.173 p.

231. NGALLABA, S., KAPIGA, S.H., RUYOBYA, I., and BOERMA, J.T. Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey 1991/1992. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. and Columbia, Maryland, Tanzania. Bureau of Statistics. and Macro International, Jun. 1993. 306 p.

232. NHLAPO, T. Women and the Constitution: What to do when culture strikes back. Southern Africa Political and Economic Monthly 2: 49-51. Nov. 1992.

233. O'CONNELL, M. Where's Papa? Fathers' role in child care. Washington, D.C., Population Reference Bureau, Sep. 1993. (Population Trends and Public Policy Paper No. 20) 20 p.

234. OBERMEYER, C.M. Islam, women, and politics: The demography of Arab countries. Population and Development Review 18(1): 33-60. Mar. 1992.

235. OGAWA, N. and HODGE, R.W. Fertility and the locus of family control in contemporary Japan. Population Research Leads, No. 14.29 p. 1983.

236. OKPERE, E.E., NICHOLS, D.J., OLUSANYA, O., and FRIED, D. Contraceptive knowledge, attitudes and behavior among Nigerian males: Benin City and Udo, 1986. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Family Health International, Jun. 1988. 74 p.

237. OMONDI-ODHIAMBO. Men and family planning in Kenya: Alternative policy intervention strategies for reducing population growth. [Doctoral dissertation, Florida State University, 1992.] Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 1992. (No. 92-34242) 276 p.

238. OPPONG, C., ed. Responsible fatherhood and birth planning. In: Sex roles, population and development in West Africa: Policy-related studies on work and demographic issues. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Heinemann Educational Books, 1987. p. 165-178.

239. OPPONG, C. Women's roles, opportunity costs, and fertility. In: Bulatao, R.A., Lee, R.D., Hollerbach, P.E., and Bongaarts, J., eds. Determinants of fertility in developing countries: 1. Supply and demand for children. New York, Academic Press, 1983. p. 547-589.

240. OTSEA, K. Progress and prospects: The Safe Motherhood Initiative 1987-1992. (Rev. ed.) Washington, D.C., World Bank, Jul. 1992. 182 p.

241. OYEDIRAN, M.A. Family planning in Nigeria. British Journal of Family Planning 9(4): 110-112. Jan. 1984.

242. PAKISTAN. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF POPULATION STUDIES (NIPS). and IRD/MACRO INTERNATIONAL. Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 1990/91. Islamabad, Pakistan. and Columbia, Maryland, NIPS. and IRD, Jul. 1992. 291 p.

243. PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO). Health of women. [ENG, SPA] In: Health conditions in the Americas. (Vol. 1) Washington, D.C., PAHO, 1990. (Scientific Publication No. 524) [Extract of 24p.]

244. PARIANI, S., HEER, D.M., and VAN ARSDOL, M.D., Jr. Does choice make a difference to contraceptive use? Evidence from East Java. Studies in Family Planning 22(6): 384-390. Nov.-Dec. 1991.

245. PARKER, A.R. Another point of view: A manual on gender analysis training for grassroots workers. New York, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 1993. 106 p.

246. PAYNE MERRITT, A. (Population Communication Services). [Peruvian television spots] Personal communication, Apr. 9, 1993.

247. PAYNE MERRITT, A. (Population Communication Services) [Research on attitudes towards contraceptive methods in Peru] Personal communication, Feb. 1, 1994.

248. PHILLIPS, J.F. and GREENE, W.L. Community based distribution of family planning in Africa: Lessons from operations research: Final report. New York, Population Council, Nov. 1993. 99 p.

249. PICK DE WEISS, S., ATKIN, L.C., GRIBBLE, J.N., and ANDRADE-PALOS, P. Sex, contraception, and pregnancy among adolescents in Mexico City. Studies in Family Planning 22(2): 74-82. Mar.-Apr. 1991.

250. PILLSBURY, B. The status of women and fertility: Program evaluation for the Rockefeller Foundation. ??, International Health and Development Associates, Aug. 1992. 33 p.

251. PIMENTEL, S. In Brazil: Women participate in crafting the new Constitution. In: Schuler, M.A., ed. Women, law and development—Action for change. Washington, D.C., OEF International, 1990. (Series onWomen, Law, and Development: Issues and Strategies for Change No. 2) 43-52 p.

252. PIOTROW, P.T. The population explosion. In: World population crisis: the United States response. New York, Praeger, 1973. (Law and Population Book Series No. 4) p. 3-11.

253. PIOTROW, P.T. World population: The present and future crisis. New York, Foreign Policy Association, Oct. 1980. (Headline Series 251) 80 p.

254. PIOTROW, P.T., KINCAID, D.L., HINDIN, M.J., et al. Changing men's attitudes and behavior: The Zimbabwe Male Motivation Project. Studies in Family Planning 23(6, Part 1): 365-375. Nov.-Dec. 1992.

255. PIOTROW, P.T., TREIMAN, K.A., RIMON, J.G. 2nd, YUN, S.H., and LOZARE, B.V. Strategies for family planning promotion. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1994. (World Bank Technical Paper No. 223) 58 p.

256. POPPE, P. (Population Communicaiton Services) [Couples' communication about family planning in Chiapas, Mexico] Personal communication, Oct. 25, 1992.

257. POPULATION ACTION INTERNATIONAL (PAI). Closing the gender gap: Educating girls. 1993 report on progress towards world population stabilization. [Wall chart] Washington, D.C., PAI, 1993. 2 p.

258. POPULATION ACTION INTERNATIONAL (PAI). Expanding access to safe abortion: Key policy issues: Questions and answers. Washington, D.C.,PAI, Sep. 1993. 9 p.

259. POPULATION COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS). Promoting professional providers The PRO approach. (Packet 17) Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population CommunicationŒServices, (1993).

260. POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU (PRB). Adolescent women in sub-Saharan Africa: A chartbook on marriage and childbearing. Washington, D.C., PRB, Mar. 1992. 25 p.

261. POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU (PRB). Family planning saves lives. (2nd ed.) Washington, D.C., PRB, Sep. 1991. 22 p.

262. POTTER, S.H. and POTTER, J.M. China's peasants: The anthropology of a revolution. Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 1990. 572 p.

263. POTTS, M. and DIGGORY, P. Textbook of contraceptive practice. 2nd ed. Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 1983. 467p.

264. PROFAMILIA. ASOCIACION PRO-BIENESTAR DE LA FAMILIA COLOMBIANA. and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/MACRO INTERNATIONAL (IRD). Encuestade Prevalencia, Demografia y Salud 1990. [Survey of prevalence, demography and health, 1990.] [SPA] Bogota, Colombia, PROFAMILIA. and IRD, Jun. 1991. 290 p.

265. RABAGO, A. Delivery of family planning services at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) on the basis of reproductive risk. In: Rooks, J. and Winikoff, B. A reassessment of the concept of reproductive risk in maternity care and family planning services. Proceedings of a seminar, Feb. 12-13, 1990. New York, Population Council, 1992. p. 100-116.

266. RAHMAN, M., AKBAR, J., PHILLIPS, J.F., and BECKER, S. Contraceptive use in Matlab, Bangladesh: The role of gender preference. Studies in Family Planning 23(4): 229-242. Jul.-Aug. 1992.

267. RAM, M. The importance of surviving sons in India: An analysis of the risk-fertility relationship. Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Denver, Colorado, 1992. 45 p.

268. RAO, A., ANDERSON, M.B., OVERHOLT, C.A., eds. Gender analysis in development planning: A case book. West Hartford, Connecticut, Kumarian Press, 1991. 103 p.

269. RAVINDRAN, S. The untold story: How the health care system contributes to maternal mortality. In: Maternal mortality and morbidity: A callto women for action. Amsterdam. and Santiago, Chile, Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights. and Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network/Isis International, May 28, 1990. p. 11-14.

270. REED, J. Public policy on human reproduction and the historian. Journal of Social History 18(3): 383-398. Spring 1985.

271. REID, E. Placing women at the centre of the analyses. Presented at Canadian International Development Agency's Women and AIDS: Strategies for the Future, Quebec, Canada, Dec. 6, 1990. 10 p.

272. RENNE, E.P. Gender ideology and fertility strategies in an Ekiti Yoruba village. Studies in Family Planning 24(6, Pt. 1): 343-353. Nov.-Dec. 1993.

273. RENNE, E.P. The pregnancy that doesn't stay: the practice and perception of abortion by Ekiti Yoruba women. (To be published in Social Science and Medicine)

274. RINEHART, W., BLACKBURN, R., and MOORE, S.H. Employment-based family planning programs. Population Reports, Series J, No. 34. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Sep.-Oct. 1987. 32 p.

275. RINEHART, W., KOLS, A., and MOORE, S.H. Healthier mothers and children through family planning. Population Reports, Series J, No.27. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, May-Jun. 1984. 40 p.

276. RINGHEIM, K. Factors that determine prevalence of use of contraceptive methods for men. Studies in Family Planning 24(2): 87-99. Mar.-Apr. 1993.

277. ROBEY, B., RUTSTEIN, S.O., MORRIS, L., and BLACKBURN, R. The reproductive revolution: New survey findings. Population Reports, Series M, No. 11. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Dec. 1992. 44 p.

278. ROCHA, L., GOMEZ, M.C., and ACOSTA, A. Consolidating income-generation projects for women in Colombia: The ICA, SENA and CDV cases. New York, United Nations Children's Fund, 1990. (UNICEF Staff Working Paper No. 6) 59 p.

279. ROGOW, D., BRUCE, J., and LEONARD, A. Man/hombre/homme: Meeting male reproductive health care needs in Latin America. Quality/Calidad/Qualite 2: 1-24. 1990.

280. ROOKS, J. and WINIKOFF, B. A reassessment of the concept of reproductive risk in maternity care and family planning services. Proceedings of a seminar, Feb. 12-13, 1990. New York, Population Council, 1992. 185 p.

281. ROONEY, C. Antenatal care and maternal health: How effective is it? A review of the evidence. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1992. 75 p.

282. ROSE, K. Where women are leaders: The SEWA movement in India. London, Zed Books, 1992. 286 p.

283. ROSS, J.A., MAULDIN, W.P., GREEN, S.R., and COOKE, E.R. Family planning and child survival programs as assessed in 1991. New York, Population Council, 1992. 182 p.

284. ROYSTON, E. and ARMSTRONG, S., eds. Preventing maternal deaths. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1989. 233 p.

285. SABA, W. (Population Communication Services) [Bolivia National Reproductive Health Program] Personal communication, May 16, 1994.

286. SABA, W. (Population Communication Services) [Radio programs and health in Latin America] Personal communication, Apr. 14, 1993.

287. SADIK, N. The state of world population 1989. New York, United Nations Population Fund, [1989]. 34 p.

288. SAI, F.T. and NASSIM, J. The need for a reproductive health approach. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 30 (Suppl.3): 103-113. 1989.

289. SALWAY, S. How attitudes toward family planning and discussion between wives and husbands affect contraceptive use in Ghana. International Family Planning Perspectives 20(2): 44-47, 74. Jun. 1994.

290. SANGER, M. An autobiography. New York, W.W. Norton, 1938. 504 p.

291. SAYED, H.A.-A., EL-ZANATY, F.H., and CROSS, A.R. Egypt male survey: 1991. Cairo. and Columbia, Maryland, Cairo Demographic Center. and Macro International Inc., Dec. 1992. 124 p.

292. SAYED, H.A.-A., OSMAN, M.I., EL-ZANATY, F., and WAY, A.A. Egypt Demographic and Health Survey 1988. Cairo. and Columbia, Maryland, Egypt National Population Council. and Institute for Resource Development/MacroSystems, Oct. 1989. 250 p.

293. SCHULER, S.R. and HASHEMI, S.M. Increasing use of contraception by decreasing women's dependence and isolation: Credit programs and family planning outreach in Bangladesh. Boston, John Snow, Apr. 18,1994. (JSI Working Paper Series No. 7) 19 p.

294. SCHULER, S.R., MCINTOSH, E.N., GOLDSTEIN, M.C., and PANDE, B.R. Barriersto effective family planning in Nepal. Studies in Family Planning 16(5): 260-270. Sep.-Oct. 1985.

295. SHAHEED, F. The cultural articulation of patriarchy: Legal systems, Islam and women. South Asia Bulletin 6(1): 38-44. Spring 1986.

296. SHARMA, V. and SHARMA, A. Is the female child being neglected? Immunization in India. Health Policy and Planning 6(3): 287-290. Sep. 1991.

297. SHEDLIN, M.G. and HOLLERBACH, P.E. Modern and traditional fertility regulation in a Mexican community: The process of decision making. Studiesin Family Planning 12(6-7): 278-296. Jun.-Jul. 1981.

298. SHEFNER, C. (Population Communication Services) [Haki Yako family planning promotion campaign in Kenya] Personal communication, Jul. 23, 1993.

299. SHELTON, J.D., ANGLE, M.A., and JACOBSTEIN, R.A. Medical barriers to access to family planning. Lancet 340 (8831): 1334-1335. Nov.28, 1992.

300. SHERRIS, J.D., RAVENHOLT, B.B., BLACKBURN, R., GREENBERG, R.H., KAK, N., PORTER, R.W., 3rd, and SAUNDERS, S. Contraceptive social marketing: Lessons from experience. Population Reports, Series J, No. 30. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Jul.-Aug. 1985. 40 p.

Population Reports is published by the Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA

Palavras chave: planning, family, health, population, new, family planning, s, development, paper, jordan, new york, washington dc, p, reproductive, kenya, york, washington, dc, for development population activities, dc centre,


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