07 - Impact on HIV: Systematic Behavioral Surveys Recommended for Next Generation of HIV Surveillance

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

FHI’s behavioral surveillance surveys (BSS) have been recognized as a flexible tool for evaluating HIV/AIDS prevention interventions and an integral part of UNAIDS’ surveillance guidelines for national AIDS programs.. . Thirty percent of Kenyan teenagers in schools in the city of Mombasa report that they have had sex with one or more partners, becoming sexually active at an average age of 15 for boys and 16 for girls. In Cambodia’s five provincial capitals, three out of four members of the military and police forces admit using the services of a sex worker in the past 12 months. And 36 percent of truck drivers interviewed along Côte d’Ivoire’s main highway say they have had sex with someone other than their wives or steady girlfriends during the previous year.. . Getting people to talk directly and accurately about their own sexual behavior can be difficult. But in countries throughout the world, well-trained survey interviewers are doing just that in an effort to better understand the behaviors driving HIV epidemics and to assess whether interventions to reduce risky behavior are working. And people from all walks of life are opening up to these interviewers, revealing details about the most private aspects of their lives, in hopes of helping to curb the spread of the deadly virus that causes AIDS.. . The data from ...

Palavras chave: surveillance, behavioral, surveys, hiv/aids, hiv, data, bss, their, fhi’s, countries, behavioral surveys, behavioral data, they, unaids, sex, evaluation, guidelines, behavioral surveillance surveys, behavioral surveillance, they sex,


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Artigo / Publicado em 22 de agosto de 2000

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