02- Impact on HIV: Preventing Trafficking in Women and Children in Asia: Issues and Options

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Increasing concern about violence against women and the role of commercial sex in HIV epidemics has led to high-profile efforts to understand the forces that drive trafficking and identify the best options for preventing such exploitation of women and children.. . An age-old problem that has plagued almost every society in recorded history, trafficking in women and children is a grim reality of modern life in many countries. Every day, young people striving for a better life for themselves and their families are routinely deceived and exploited to satisfy a demand for cheap goods and services.. . In the past, efforts to prevent trafficking have been few and relatively small-scale. Collusion between families and agents, corruption of law enforcement and border officials, and difficulty in knowing when and where transactions take place have all thwarted prevention efforts. Recently, however, growing concern about violence against women worldwide has put trafficking on the international agenda, and its connection with the sex industry that is such a driving force of HIV epidemics has added urgency to global anti-trafficking efforts, particularly in Asia.. . With the leadership of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the President’s Initiative on Violence Against Women, human trafficking is also receiving greater attention in ...

Palavras chave: trafficking, women, problem, the , has, international, efforts, trafficking women, asia, women children, trafficking women children, labor, children, violence, forces, against, sex, through, about violence, against women,


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