Capítulo 07 - Bibliografia Selecionada

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Bays HE, Pfeifer MA. . Peripheral diabetic neuropathy. Med Clin North Am (1988) 72:1439-1464.. . Bizer LS, Ramos S, Weiss PR. . A prospective randomized double blind study of perioperative antibiotic use in the grafting of ulcers of the lower extremity. Surg Gynecol Obstet (1992) 175:113-114.. . Black MM, Walkden VM. . Basal cell carcinomatous changes on the lower leg: a possible association with chronic venous stasis. Histopathology (1983) 7:219-227.. . Blauvelt A, Falanga V. . Idiopathic and L-tryptophan associated eosinophilic fasciitis before and after L-tryptophan contamination. Arch Dermatol (1991) 127:1159-1166.. . Boulton AJM. . The diabetic foot. Med Clin North Am (1988) 72:1513-1529.. .

Palavras chave: al , et, et al , venous, j, med, ulcers, br, leg, med j, br med j, br med, m, dermatol, burnand, treatment, lancet, changes, dale jj, browse,


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