Annual Meeting of American College of Cardiology – ACC 14
Annual Meeting of American College of Cardiology – ACC 14

Annual Meeting of American College of Cardiology, ACC 2014

O Annual Meeting of American College of Cardiology, ACC 2014 foi realizado entre os dias 29 e 31 de março de 2014, nos EUA.

Nesta seção, a Bibliomed publicará diariamente para seus assinantes alguns dos principais temas abordados no evento, na forma de notícias, artigos, resumos e comentários.

Resumo dos principais temas abordados

• Tratamento com evolocumab pode reduzir colesterol LDL

• Estatinas podem ajudar no tratamento de disfunção erétil

• Cirurgia Bariátrica é mais eficaz no tratamento do diabetes tipo 2 do que terapia médica intensiva

• Estudos analisam como dieta, atividade física, bebidas dietéticas e tempo ocioso afetam a saúde cardiovascular

Apresentações em PPT:
• Validation of the Pooled Cohort 10-year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Equations - 17 slides
• Renal Denervation in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension: Results of the SYMPLICITY HTN 3 Trial - 24 slides
• Bariatric Surgery vs. Intensive Medical Therapy in Obese Diabetic Patients: 3-Year Outcomes Results of the STAMPEDE Trial - 20 slides
• Aspirin in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery - 6 slides
• The Percutaneous Coronary Intervention California Audit Monitored Pilot with Offsite Surgery (PCI-CAMPOS) Outcomes in 153,950 Patient Procedures in Hospitals with and without Onsite Cardiac Surgery - 19 slides
• Randomized Trial of Anticoagulation Guided by Remote Rhythm Monitoring In Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator and Resynchronization Devices - 26 slides



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