14 - Bibliografia

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Um asterisco (*) indica um item que foi particularmente útil na preparação deste número de Population Reports.

1. ABOUZAHR, C. Unsafe abortion and ectopic pregnancy. In: Murray, C.L.J. and Lopez, A.D., eds. Health Dimensions of Sex and Reproduction. Global Burden of Disease and Injury Series. Vol. 3. Boston and Geneva, Harvard School of Public Health, 1998. p. 267-296.

*2. ADETUNJI, J. Trends in under-5 mortality rates and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Bulletin of the World Health Organiza-tion 78(10): 1200-1206. Oct. 2000. (Available: <http://www. who.int/bulletin/pdf/2000/issue10/bu0746.pdf>, Accessed Aug. 7, 2001)

*3. AHMAD, O.B., LOPEZ, A.D., and INOUE, M. The decline in child mortality: A reappraisal. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78(10): 1175-1191. Oct. 2000. (Available: <http://www.who.int/bulletin/pdf/2000/issue10/bu0792.pdf>, Accessed Aug. 7, 2001)

4. AIDS CONTROL AND PREVENTION PROJECT (AIDSCAP). Final report for the AIDSCAP program in Senegal: August 1993 to October 1997. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Family Health International, 1997. 134 p. (Available: <http:// www.fhi.org/en/aids/aidscap/aidspubs/special/countryprog/ Senegal/senexec.html>, Accessed Mar. 11, 2003)

5. AINSWORTH, M., BEEGLE, K., and NYAMETE, A. The impact of women’s human capital on fertility and contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Miami, Florida, May 5-7, 1994. 64 p.

6. AKAKPO, B. Safer young motherhood in Ghana. Planned Parenthood Challenges (1): 19-20. 1998.

7. ALAN GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE (AGI). Risks and realities of early childbearing worldwide. Issues in Brief. AGI. 1997. (Available: <http://www.agi-usa.org/pubs/ib10.html>, Accessed Mar. 11, 2003)

8. ARNOLD, F. Gender preferences for children. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Aug. 1997. (DHS Comparative Studies No. 23) 56 p.

*9. BANKOLE, A. and WESTOFF, C.F. The consistency and validity of reproductive attitudes:

Evidence from Morocco. Journal of Biosocial Science 30(4): 439-455. Oct. 1998.

10. BARBIERI, M. Is the current decline in infant and child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa a sign of future fertility changes? In: Locoh, T. and Hertrich, V., eds. The Onset of Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa. Liège, Belgium, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1994. p. 21-42.

11. BEEGLE, K. The quality and availability of family planning services and contraceptive use in Tanzania. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1995. (LSMS Working Paper No. 114) 63 p.

12. BERMAN, S.M. and HEIN, K. Adolescents and STD. In: Holmes, K.K., Sparling, P.F., Mårdh, P., Lemon, S.M., Stamm, W.E., Piot, P., and Wasserheit, J.N., eds. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Third ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1999. p. 129-142.

*13. BERTRAND, J.T., MAGNANI, R.J., and RUTENBERG, N. Evaluating family planning programs, with adaptations for reproductive health. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Carolina Population Center, 1996. 105 p. (Available: <http://www. cpc.unc.edu/projects/measure/publications/manuals/evalman/ evalman.html>, Accessed Mar. 11, 2003)
14. BICEGO, G. and AHMAD, O.B. Infant and child mortality. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Aug. 1996. (Demographic and Health Surveys Comparative Studies No. 20) 65 p.

*15. BLANC, A.K. and POUKOUTA, P.V. Components of unexpected fertility decline in sub-Saharan Africa. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Sep. 1997. (Demographic and Health Surveys Analytical Reports No. 5) 29 p.

16. BOERMA, J.T. and MGALLA, Z. Introduction. In: Boerma, J.T. and Mgalla, Z., eds. Women and Infertility in sub-Saharan Africa. KIT Publishers, 2001. p. 13-23.

17. BONGAARTS, J. The fertility-inhibiting effects of the intermediate fertility variables. Studies in Family Planning 13(6-7): 179-189. Jun.-Jul. 1982.

*18. BONGAARTS, J. The role of family planning programmes in contemporary fertility transitions. In: G W Jones, R M Douglas, J C Caldwell, and D’souza, R.M., eds. The Continuing Demographic Transition. Clarendon Press, 1997. p. 422-443.

19. BONGAARTS, J. Trends in unwanted childbearing in the developing world. Studies in Family Planning 16(3): 267-277. Dec. 1997.

20. BONGAARTS, J. The fertility impact of changes in the timing of childbearing in the developing world. New York, Population Council, 1999. (Policy Research Division Working Papers No. 120) 33 p. (Available: <http//www.popcouncil. org/pdfs/wp/120.pdf>, Accessed May 18, 2002)

21. BONGAARTS, J. The end of fertility transition in the developing world. [Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Completing The Fertility Transition, New York, 11-14 March 2002]. New York, United Nations Population Division, Feb. 19, 2002. 22 p. (Available: <http//www.un.org/esa/population/ publications/completingfertility/BONGAARTSpaper.PDF>, Accessed Mar. 20, 2002)

22. BONGAARTS, J. and POTTER, R. Fertility, biology, and behavior: An analysis of the proximate determinants. New York, Academic Press, 1983. 230 p.

23. BONGAARTS, J. and STOVER, J. The Population Council target-setting model: A user’s manual. New York, Population Council, Dec. 1986. (Center for Policy Studies Working Paper No. 130) 100 p.

24. BONGAARTS, J. and WESTOFF, C.F. The potential role of contraception in reducing abortion. Studies in Family Planning 31(3): 193-202. Sep. 2000.

25. BOS, E., VU, M.T., MASSIAH, E., and BULATAO, R.A. World Population Projections. 1994-95 ed. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 521 p.

26. BRUNETTE, T.A. Ethnicity and fertility in West Africa: A modified proximate determinants analysis among ethnic groupings in Nigeria and Senegal. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 9-11, 1996. 32 p.

27. BUEKENS, P., CURTIS, S., and ALAYÓN, S. Demographic and health surveys: Caesarean section rates in sub-Saharan Africa. British Medical Journal 326: 136. Jan. 18, 2003. (Available: <http//bmj.com/cgi/content/full/326/7381/136>, Accessed Jan. 29, 2003)

28. CALDWELL, J.C. The contemporary population challenge. [Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Completing The Fertility Transition, New York, 11-14 March 2002]. United Nations Population Division, Jan. 16, 2002. 15 p. (Available: <http//www.un.org/esa/population/publications/ completingfertility/Caldwellpaper.pdf>, Accessed Mar. 20, 2002)

29. CASTERLINE, J.B. The pace of fertility transition: National patterns in the second half of the twentieth century. Population and Development Review 27(S): 17-52. 2001.

30. CASTRO MARTÍN, T. Women’s education and fertility: Results from 26 Demographic and Health Surveys. Studies in Family Planning 26(4): 187-202. Jul.-Aug. 1995.

31. CASTRO MARTÍN, T. and NJOGU, W. A decade of change in contraceptive behavior in Latin America: A multivariate decomposition analysis. Population Bulletin of the United Nations (36): 81-109. 1994.

32. CHAYA, N. and HELSING, K. Contraceptive choice: Worldwide access to family planning [wall chart]. Washington, DC, Population Action International, 1997.

33. CLARK, S. Son preference and sex composition of children: Evidence from India. Demography 37(1): 95-108. Feb. 2000.

34. CLELAND, J. and MAULDIN, W.P. The promotion of family planning by financial payments: The case of Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning 22(1): 1-18. Jan./Feb. 1991.

35. COHEN, B. The emerging fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa. World Development 26(8): 1431-1461. 1998.

36. CURTIS, S.L. and NEITZEL, K. Contraceptive knowledge, use, and sources. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Mar. 1996. (Demographic and Health Surveys Comparative Studies No. 19) 92 p.

37. DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS (JORDAN) and MACRO INTERNATIONAL (MI). Jordan Population and Family Health Survey, 1997. Calverton, Maryland, MI, Dec. 1998. 196 p.

38. EDWARDS, S. Schooling’s fertility effect greatest in low-literacy, high-fertility societies. International Family Planning Perspectives 22(1): 43-44. Mar. 1996.

39. EL-ZANATY, F. and WAY, A.A. Egypt Demographic and Health Survey 2000. Cairo and Calverton, Maryland, Ministry of Health and Population, National Population Council and ORC Macro, Jan. 2001. 326 p.

40. EURE, C.N., LINDSAY, M.K., and GRAVES, W.L. Risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in young adolescent parturients in an inner-city hospital. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 186(5): 918-920. May 2002.

41. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL (FHI). Breastfeeding as a family planning method. Consensus statement. Lancet 2(8621): 1204-1205. Nov. 19, 1988.

42. FAUVEAU, V., MAMDANI, M., STEINGLASS, R., and KOBLINSKY, M. Maternal tetanus: Magnitude, epidemiology, and potential control measures. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (40): 3-12. 1993.

43. FEENEY, G. Fertility decline in East Asia. Science 266(5190): 518-523. Dec. 2, 1994.

*44. FEYISETAN, B. and CASTERLINE, J.B. Fertility preferences and contraceptive change in developing countries. Policy Research Division Working Paper No. 130. New York, Population Council, 1999. 30 p. (Available: <http//www. popcouncil.org/publications/wp/prd/130.html>, Accessed Sep. 9, 2000)

45. FOCUS ON YOUNG ADULTS. Advancing young adult reproductive health: Actions for the next decade. Washington, DC, Pathfinder International, 2001. (End of project report) (Available: <http//www.fhi.org/en/youth/youthnet/ focus/focuspdfs/eop_report.pdf>, Accessed Jul. 30, 2002)

*46. GOULD, W.T. and BROWN, M.S. A fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa? International Journal of Population Geography 2(1): 1-22. Mar. 1996.

47. GREGSON, S., ZABA, B., and HUNTER, S.-C. The impact of HIV-1 on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa: Causes and consequences. [Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Completing The Fertility Transition, New York, 11-14 March 2002]. United Nations, 2002. 33 p. (Available: <http//www. un.org/esa/population/publications/completingfertility/RevisedZabapaper.PDF>, Accessed March 5, 2003)

48. GUENGANT, J.-P. The proximate determinants during the fertility transition. New York, United Nations Population Division, Jan. 31, 2002. 21 p. (Available: <http//www.un.org/ esa/population/publications/completingfertility/GUENGANTpaper.PDF>, Accessed Aug. 28, 2002)

49. GUPTA, N. and MAHY, M. Adolescent childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa: Can increased schooling alone raise age at first birth? Demographic Research 8(4): 93-106. Feb. 14, 2003. (Available: <http//www.demographic-research.org/ Volumes/Vol8/4/8-4.pdf>, Accessed March 3, 2003)

50. HAGGERTY, P.A. and RUTSTEIN, S.O. Breastfeeding and complementary infant feeding and the postpartum effects of breastfeeding. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Jun. 1999. (DHS Comparative Studies No. 30) 282 p.

51. HARDEE, K., JANOWITZ, B., STANBACK, J., and VILLINSKI, M.T. What have we learned from studying changes in service delivery guidelines and practices? International Family Planning Perspectives 24(2): 84-90. Jun. 1998. (Available: <http//www.agi-usa.org/pubs/journals/2408498.html>, Accessed Aug. 13, 1999)

52. HAUB, C. Flat birth rates in Bangladesh and Egypt challenge demographers’ projections. <http//www.prb.org/ Content/ContentGroups/Population_Today/Flat_Birth_Rates_ in_Bangladesh_and_Egypt_Challenge_Demographers_ Projections.htm> Population Reference Bureau, Oct. 2000.

53. HEATON, T.B. and FORSTE, R. Education as policy: The impact of education on marriage, contraception, and fertility in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Social Biology 45(3-4): 194-213. Fall/Winter 1998.

54. HENSHAW, S.K., SINGH, S., and HAAS, T. Recent trends in abortion rates worldwide. International Family Planning Perspectives 25(1): 44-48. Mar. 1998. (Available: <http// www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/2504499.html>, Accessed Aug. 28, 2002)

55. INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION (IPPF). Integrating sexual and reproductive health services for youth in Colombia. IPPF/WHR Spotlight on Youth, No. 1, IPPF, 2001. (Available: <http//www.ippfwhr.org/ publications/ download/serial_issues/spotyouth1.pdf>, Accessed Mar. 11, 2003)

56. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE STUDY OF POPULATION (IUSSP). Proceedings of the Conference on the Socio-Demographic Impact of AIDS in Africa, Durban, South Africa, 1997. IUSSP, (Available: <http//www.iussp.org/ Activities/scp-aid/aid-rep97.php>, Accessed Mar. 6, 2003)

57. JEJEEBHOY, S.J. Women’s education, fertility and the proximate determinants of fertility. Presented at the Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, Gabarone, Botswana, Jun. 22-26, 1992. United Nations. 40 p.

58. JOHNSTON, H.B. and HILL, K.H. Induced abortion in the developing world: Indirect estimates. International Family Planning Perspectives 22(3): 108-114, 137. Sep. 1996. (Available: <http//www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/2210896.html>, Accessed Mar. 12, 2000)

59. JUAREZ, F. Fertility decline and child survival: Overview. In: Locoh, T. and Hertrich, V., eds. The onset of fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa. Liège, Belgium, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 1993. p. 55-64.

60. KIM, Y.M., MARANGWANDA, C., and KOLS, A. Quality of counselling of young clients in Zimbabwe. East African Medical Journal 74(8): 514-518. Aug. 1997.

*61. KIRK, D. and PILLET, B. Fertility levels, trends, and differentials in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. Studies in Family Planning 29(1): 1-22. Mar. 1998.

62. KISHOR, S. Changes in educational differentials in contraceptive use over time. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, 1997. 17 p.

63. LABBOK, M., HIGHT-LAUKARAN, V., PETERSON, A., FLETCHER, V., VON HERTZEN, H., and VAN LOOK, P. Multicenter study of the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM): I. Efficacy, duration, and implications for clinical application. Unpublished, 1997. 9 p.

64. LABBOK, M. and KRASOVEC, K. Toward consistency in breastfeeding definitions. Studies in Family Planning 21(4): 226-230. Jul./Aug. 1990.

*65. LARSEN, U. and RAGGERS, H. Levels and trends in infertility in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Boerma, J.T. and Mgalla, Z., eds. Women and Infertility in sub-Saharan Africa. KIT Publishers, 2001. p. 26-69.

66. LI, X.F. The postpartum period: The key to maternal mortality. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 54(1): 1-10. Jul. 1996.

67. MARSTON, C. and CLELAND, J. Relationships between contraception and abortion: A review of the evidence. International Family Planning Perspectives 29(1): 6-13. Mar. 2003. (Available: <http//www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/ 2900603.html>, Accessed Apr. 3, 2003)

68. MATERNAL AND NEONATAL HEALTH (MNH). Best practices: Focused antenatal care planning and providing care during pregnancy. <http//www.mnh.jhpiego.org/best/ focantl.asp> MNH, 2003.

*69. MBOUP, G. and SAHA, T. Fertility levels, trends, and differentials. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Aug. 1998. (DHS Comparative Studies No. 28) 78 p.

70. MCCAULEY, A.P. and SALTER, C. Meeting the needs of young adults. Population Reports, Series J, No. 41. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Oct. 1995. 43 p.

71. MEASURE DHS+ and MEASURE EVALUATION. An assessment of trends in child mortality in Tanzania during the nineties: A summary. <http//www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/ publications/special/child_mortality.html> Jun 2000.

72. MEASURE EVALUATION PROJECT. HIV, STDs and infertility: Key issues. <http//www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/topics/ hiv_aids/key_issues.html> MEASURE Evaluation, 1998.

73. MENSCH, B., BRUCE, J., and GREENE, M. The uncharted passage: Girls’ adolescence in the developing world. New York, Population Council, 1998. 115 p. (Available: <http// www.popcouncil.org/pdfs/passage/passage.pdf>, Accessed Apr. 9, 2003)

74. MINISTRY OF HEALTH (KENYA) and ORC MACRO. Kenya Service Provision Assessment Survey 1999. Nairobi, Kenya and Calverton, Maryland, Kenya Ministry of Health and ORC Macro, Oct. 2000. 242 p. (Available: <http// wbln0018.worldbank.org/HDNet/HDdocs.nsf/c840b59b6982d2498525670c004def60/03d62f55c
37fe6e085256b19005ed6e2/$FILE/ServProvAssessKenya.doc>, Accessed Aug. 22, 2002)

75. MORENO, L. Differences by residence and education in contraceptive failure rates in developing countries. International Family Planning Perspectives 19(2): 54-60, 71. Jun. 1993.

76. MUHURI, P.K., BLANC, A.K., and RUTSTEIN, S.O. Socioeconomic differentials in fertility. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, May 1994. (DHS Comparative Studies No. 13) 79 p.

77. MURRAY, C.J.L. and LOPEZ, A.D. Estimating causes of death: New methods and global and regional applications for 1990. In: Murray, C.J.L. and Lopez, A.D., eds. The Global Burden of Disease. The Global Burden of Disease and Injury Series. Vol. 1. Boston, Harvard University Press, 1996. p. 117-200.

78. MUTHARAYAPPA, R., CHOE, M.K., ARNOLD, F., and ROY, T.K. Son preference and its effect on fertility in India. Mumbai, India, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mar. 1997. (National Family Health Survey Subject Reports No. 3) 35 p.

79. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT (NCPD), CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS (CBS), and MACRO INTERNATIONAL (MI). Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, 1998. Calverton, Maryland, NCPD, CBS, MI, Apr. 1999. 285 p.

80. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, COMMISSION ON BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AND EDUCATION, and COMMITTEE ON POPULATION. Factors affecting contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1993. 252 p.

81. NATIONAL STATISTICAL OFFICE (NSO) (MALAWI) and MACRO INTERNATIONAL (MI). Malawi: Demographic and Health Survey 2000. Calverton, Maryland, MI, 2001.

82. PACHAURI, S. Reproductive health: The concept, ideology, and operational issues. In: Sengupta, J. and Shosh, D., eds. Perspectives in Reproductive Health. New Delhi, New Age Publishers, 1996. p. 47-60.

83. PIOTROW, P., KINCAID, D.L., RIMON III, J., and RINEHART, W. Health communication: Lessons from family planning and reproductive health. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, 1997. 307 p.

84. PLANNED PARENTHOOD ASSOCIATION OF GHANA (PPAG). Youth (Adolescent reproductive health). <http//www.africaonline.com.gh/Ppag/youth.html> PPAG, 1998.

85. POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU (PRB). World Population Data Sheet. PRB, 2001. (Available: <http//www.prb.org/wpds>, Accessed Dec. 12, 2001.)

86. PRESTON, S.H., HEUVELINE, P., and GUILLOT, M. Demography: Measuring and modeling population processes. Oxford, England, Blackwell, 2001. 291 p.

87. RETHERFORD, R. and PALMORE, J. Diffusion processes affecting fertility. In: Bulatao, R., Lee, R., Hollerbach, P., Bongaarts, J., ed. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries. Vol. 2. New York, Academic Press, 1983. p. 295-339.

88. ROBEY, B., ROSS, J., and BHUSAN, I. Meeting unmet need: New strategies. Population Reports, Series J, No. 43. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Sep. 1996. 35 p.

89. ROBEY, B., RUTSTEIN, S.O., MORRIS, L., and BLACKBURN, R. The reproductive revolution: New survey findings. Population Reports, Series M, No. 11. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Dec. 1992. 43 p.

90. ROGERS, E.M. Diffusion of innovations. 3rd ed. New York, Free Press, 1983.

91. ROGERS, E.M. and KINCAID, D.L. Communication networks: Toward a new paradigm for research. New York, Free Press, 1981. 386 p.

92. ROSS, J. The question of access. Studies in Family Planning 26(4): 241-242. Jul./Aug. 1995.

93. ROSS, J., HARDEE, K., MUMFORD, E., and EID, S. Contraceptive method choice in developing countries. International Family Planning Perspectives 28(1): 32-40. Mar. 2002. (Available: <http//www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/ 2803202.html>, Accessed Mar. 25, 2002)

94. ROSS, J. and WINFREY, W. Unmet need in the developing world and former USSR: An updated estimate. International Family Planning Perspectives 28(3): 138-143. Sep. 2002. (Available: <http//www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/ 2813802.html>, Accessed Sep. 24, 2002)

95. RUTSTEIN, S. Effect of birth intervals on mortality and health. [PowerPoint presentation]. Calverton, Maryland, Measure/DHS+, Macro International, Inc., 65 p.

*96. RUTSTEIN, S. Factors associated with trends in infant and child mortality in developing countries during the 1990s. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO) 78(10): 1256-1270. Oct. 2000. (Available: <http//www.who.int/bulletin/ pdf/2000/issue10/bu0793.pdf>, Accessed Aug. 7, 2001)

97. RUTSTEIN, S.O. Change in the desired number of children: A cross-country cohort analysis of levels and correlates of change. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Jul. 1998. (DHS Analytical Reports No. 9) 46 p.

*98. RUTSTEIN, S.O. Fertility levels, trends, and differentials: 1995-1999. Calverton, Maryland, ORC Macro, 2002. (Comparative Report #3)

99. SAHA, T. Bangladesh Service Provision Assessment Survey 1999-2000. Calverton, Maryland, National Institute of Population Research, Mitra and Associates, and ORC Macro, 2002. 93 p.

100. SATHAR, Z.A. The processes by which female education affects fertility and child survival. In: International Population Conference, Montreal, 1993. Vol. 4. Liège, Belgium, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, p. 229-240.

101. SENLET, P., CURTIS, S.L., MATHIS, J., and RAGGERS, H. The role of changes in contraceptive use in the decline of induced abortion in Turkey. Studies in Family Planning 32(1): 41-52. Mar. 2001.

102. SERBANESCU, F., MORRIS, L., and MARIN, M. Reproductive Health Survey, Romania, 1999. Final Report. Atlanta, Georgia, Romanian Association of Public Health and Management, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Agency for International Development, United Nations Population Fund, and United Nations Children’s Fund, Sep. 2001. 414 p.

103. SERBANESCU, F., STUPP, P., and MORRIS, L. Romania Reproductive Health Survey 1993. Bucharest, Romania, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Instituti de Ocrotire a Mamei si Copilului, Mar. 1995. 168 p.

104. SETEL, P. The effects of HIV and AIDS on fertility in East and Central Africa. Health Transition Review 5(S): 179-189. 1995.

105. SETTY-VENUGOPAL, V. and UPADHYAY, U. Birth spacing: Three to five saves lives. Population Reports, Series L, No. 13. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Summer 2002. 23 p.

106. SHELTON, J.D. and DAVIS, S.S. Some priorities in maximizing access to and quality of contraceptive services. Advances in Contraception 12(3): 233-237. Sep. 1996.

*107. SINGH, S. Adolescent childbearing in developing countries: A global review. Studies in Family Planning 29(2): 117-136. Jun. 1998.

108. STEWART, M.K., STANTON, C.K., and AHMED, O. Maternal health care. Calverton, Maryland, Macro International, Sep. 1997. (DHS Comparative Studies No. 25) 41 p.

109. UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS (UBS) and ORC MACRO. Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 2000. Entebbe, Uganda, Calverton, Maryland, UBS and ORC Macro, Dec. 2001. 333 p.

110. UNESCO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EDUCATION IN AFRICA. "The youth rally against AIDS:" Community project for the fight against AIDS for the youth in Africa. <http// www.dakar.unesco.org/news/en/010313_theatre_sida_base. shtml> UNESCO, 2001.

111. UNITED NATIONS (UN). Recent levels and trends of contraceptive use as assessed in 1988. New York, UN, 1989. 129 p.

112. UNITED NATIONS (UN). Levels and trends of contraceptive use as assessed in 1994. New York, UN, 1996. 163 p.

113. UNITED NATIONS (UN). World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision. Volume III: Analytical report. New York, UN, 2000. 248 p.

114. UNITED NATIONS (UN). World Contraceptive Use 2001. New York, UN, 2002. (wall chart) (Available: <http// www.un.org/esa/population/publications/contraceptive 2001/contraception01.htm>, Accessed July 18, 2002)

*115. UNITED NATIONS (UN) POPULATION DIVISION. Women’s education and fertility behavior. Recent evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys. New York, UN, 1995. 113 p.

116. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF). The progress of nations 2000. New York, UNICEF, 2000. 38 p. (Available: <http//www.unicef.org/pubsgen/pon00/pon2000. pdf>, Accessed Dec. 10, 2002)

117. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF). Progress since the World Summit on Children: A statistical review. Geneva, UNICEF, Sep. 2001. 32 p. (Available: <http// www.unicef.org/pubsgen/wethechildren-stats/sgreport_ adapted_stats_eng.pdf>)

118. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF). We the children: Meeting the promises of the World Summit for Children. New York, UNICEF, 2001. 103 p. (Available: <http// www.unicef.org/pubsgen/wethechildren/sgreport_adapted _eng.pdf>, Accessed Dec. 1, 2002)

119. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF). Maternal and neonatal tetanus. <http//www.childinfo.org/ eddb/mnt/> 2003.

120. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF). Breastfeeding and complementary feeding. <http//www. childinfo.org/eddb/brfeed/> UNICEF, undated.

121. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF), WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), and THE WORLD BANK. State of the world’s vaccines and immunizations. Geneva, WHO, 2002. 97 p. (Available: <http//www. unicef.org/pubsgen/sowvi/sowv-en-02.pdf>, Accessed Dec. 10, 2002)

122. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF), WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), and UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA). Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination by 2005. Strategies for achieving and maintaining elimination. Geneva, WHO, 2000. 28 p. (Available: <http//www.who.int/vaccines-documents/Docs PDF02/www692.pdf>, Accessed Sep. 25, 2002)

123. UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR CHILDREN (UNICEF). Goals for children and development in the 1990s. <http// www.unicef.org/wsc/goals.htm> UNICEF, 1990.

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*125. UNITED NATIONS POPULATION DIVISION (UNPD). The future of fertility in intermediate-fertility countries. [Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Completing The Fertility Transition, New York, 11-14 March 2002]. New York, UNPD, Mar. 11, 2002. 31 p. (Available: <http// www.un.org/ esa/population/publications/completingfertility/ PEPSPOPDIVpaper.PDF>, Accessed May 13, 2002)

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ISSN 0887-0241

Population Reports é publicado pelo Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA.

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