07 - Acidente Vascular Cerebral: diretrizes para assistência imediata do paciente - Referências Bibliográficas

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

1. Adams HP Jr, Brott TG, Crowell RM, Furlan AJ, Gomez CR, Grotta J, et al. Guidelines for the management of patients with acute ischemic stroke. A statement for healthcare professionals from a special writing group of the Stroke Council, American Heart Association. Circulation 1994;90:1588-601.. . 2. Bereczki D, Liu M, do Prado GF, Fekete I. Mannitol for acute stroke (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 2002. Oxford: Update Software. . . 3. Berge E, Sandercock P. Anticoagulants versus antiplatelet agents for acute ischaemic stroke (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 2002. Oxford: Update Software. . . 4. Brott T. Thrombolysis for stroke. Arch Neurol 1996;53:1305-8. . . 5. Brott T, MacCarthy EP. Antihypertensive therapy in stroke. In: Fisher M, ed. Medical therapy of acute stroke. New York: Dekker, 1989:117-41. . . 6. Caplan LR, Mohr JP, Kistler JP, Koroshetz W. Should thrombolytic therapy be the first-line treatment for acute ischemic stroke? Thrombolysis--not a panacea for ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med 1997; 337:1309-13. . . 7. Gubitz G, Counsell C, Sandercock P, Signorini D. Anticoagulants for acute ischaemic stroke (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 2002. Oxford: Update Software. . . 8. Gubitz G, Sandercock P, Counsell C. Antiplatelet therapy for acute ischaemic stroke (Cochrane ...

Palavras chave: stroke, cochrane, acute, update, in:, library issue 4, in: cochrane, issue 4, cochrane library, issue, library, library issue, 4, software, ischaemic, review, oxford:, ischemic, j, 2002,


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