Online Resources for Physicians and their Patients

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Disclaimer: These reviews are the result of individual evaluation by our editors. Physician’s Practice Digest is not responsible for the contents of these web sites. All links were current at the time of publication.. In spite of its name, The Motley Fool online forum for independent stock investors is designed to help readers obtain financial information and discuss ways to make investment and personal financial decisions. The Fool's founders are interested in making money while keeping a sense of humor. Number-phobes, fear not—the Fools claim to keep any math on a fifth-grade level.. Join Dr. Michael Jacobson's interactive medical "journal club." Once or twice a month the physician summarizes and comments on an article from recent medical literature. Feedback from readers is encouraged and appended to the article summaries. The articles are primarily in the field of adult internal medicine and mainly from the New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, and The Lancet. The unusual "Stamps" section highlights foreign postage stamps featuring medical personalities ...

Palavras chave: online, healthcare, journal, medical, card, arts, virtual, web, medicine, patients, internal medicine, name, even, their, obesity, society, ebola monkeypox several other, about ebola, monkeypox several other, ebola monkeypox,


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