02 - Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO): A Prospective Study of 34 Cases and a Literature Review

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Febre de origem indeterminada (FOI): Estudo Prospectivo de 34 Casos e Revisão de Literatura. . Teresa Cristina de Abreu Ferrari*. Ênio Roberto Pietra Pedrofso*. . Summary. . A prospective study was conducted on 34 adult patients with fever of unknown origin (FUO). The criteria for inclusion in the study were: disease with more than three weeks of duration; documented axillary temperature higher than 38.3ºC on several ocasions; and absence of diagnosis after taking the pacient's history, after clinical examination and after complementary tests indicated on the basis of the initial suspected conditions. The cases were conducted on an individual basis. Case distribution among classic diagnostic categories was as follows: infections, 44.1%; neoplasias, 17.6%, collagen diseases, 17.6%, micellaneous, 11.8%; and undiagnosed cases, 8.8%. . . Tuberculosis and lymphoma were the most frequent diseases. The overwhelming majority of the pathologies diagnosed were comon diseases with atypical manifestations. Some clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed ...

Palavras chave: diseases, fever, study, cases, criteria, of , fuo, has, origin, unknown, diagnosis, than, diagnostic, unknown origin, fever unknown, most, the , unknown origin fuo, these criteria, than 383ºc,


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