Bibliografia - 1ª Parte

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

O asterisco (*) designa um artigo que foi de especial valor para preparação deste número de Population Reports.

*1. ACSADI, G.T.F. and JOHNSON-ACSADI, G. Socioeconomic, cultural and legal factors affections girls' and women's health. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1993. 93 p.
2. ADLAKHA, A., KUMAR, S., and AYAD, M. The role of nuptiality in fertility decline: A comparative analysis. In: Macro International. Proceedings of the Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, Aug. 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C. Columbia, Maryland, Macro International, 1991. p. 947-964.

3. AGHA, S. Male attitudes towards fertility regulation in rural Punjab, Pakistan. (Study for Population Services International on behalf of USAID/Pakistan.) 18 p. (Unpublished)

4. AHMED, F.A.E.-K. Gender difference in child mortality. Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review 24(2): 60-79. Dec. 1990.

5. AHN, K.C. Integration of family planning activities with the Community Development Program. In: Cho, N.-H. and Kim, H.-O., eds. Korean experience with population control policy and family planning program management and operation. Seoul, Republic of Korea, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, Sep. 1991. p. 189-202.

6. AKANDE, B. Some socio-cultural factors influencing fertility behaviour: A case study of Yoruba women. Biology and Society 6(4): 165-170. Dec. 1989.

7. ALY, H.Y. Son preference and contraception in Egypt. Economic Development and Cultural Change 39(2): 353-370. Jan. 1991.

8. ANONYMOUS. Fathers' Inc.—Changing ideas about men and the family. Children in Focus 5(3): 6. Jul.-Sep. 1993.

9. ANONYMOUS. Indonesia updates its laws. POPULI 20(4): 5-6. Apr. 1993.

10. ANONYMOUS. Where are the missing Chinese girls? Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights Newsletter 36: 15. Jul.-Sep. 1991.

11. ANONYMOUS. Women—An endangered species. World Development Forum 5(21): 1-2. Nov. 30, 1987.

12. ARNOLD, F. Sex preference for children and its demographic and health implications. In: Macro International. Proceedings of the Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, Aug. 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C. Columbia, Maryland, Macro International, 1991. p. 249-273.

13. AROKIASAMY, J.T. Attitudes of 110 married men towards family planning. Medical Journal of Malaysia 35(1): 22-27. Sep. 1980.

14. ATWOOD, J.B. Keynote address. Presented at the 1994 Meeting of the United States Agency for International Development Office of Population Cooperating Agencies, Washington, D.C., Feb. 22, 1994. 8 p.

15. BAIRAGI, R. and BHATTACHARYA, A.K. Parental sex preference and its effects on fertility intention and contraceptive use in Calcutta. Rural Demography 16(1-2): 43-56. 1989.

16. BAIRAGI, R. and LANGSTEN, R.L. Sex preference for children and its implications for fertility in rural Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning 17(6, Pt.1): 302-307. Nov.-Dec. 1986.

17. BALEPA, M., FOTSO, M., and BARRERE, B. Enquête Démographiqueet de Santé Cameroun, 1991. [Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey, 1991.][FRE] [Yaounde, Cameroon]. and Columbia, Maryland, Direction Nationale du Deuxième Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat. and Macro International Inc., 1992. 285 p.

18. BANDURA, A. Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1977. 255 p.

*19. BEAUJOT, R. and BCHIR, M. Fertility in Tunisia: Traditional and modern contrasts. Washington, D.C., Population Reference Bureau, 1984. 59 p.

20. BELTRAN, L.R. Your health is in your hands. Presented at Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, May 13, 1994. [Notes from presentation]

21. BENJAMIN, J. Socio-religious status of girl child in India. In: Devasia, L. and Devasia, V.V., eds. Girl child in India. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing, 1991. p. 75-83.

*22. BIRDSALL, N. and CHESTER, L.A. Contraception and the status of women: What is the link? Family Planning Perspectives 19(1): 14-18. Jan.-Feb. 1987.

23. BLAKESLEE, K. Human rights, violence against women, and development. Presented at Harvard School of Public Health Symposium on Violence and Human Rights, Boston, Apr. 8, 1994. 19 p.

24. BLUMBERG, R.L. Making the case for the gender variable: Women and the wealth and well-being of nations. Washington, D.C., United States Agency for International Development, Office of Women and Development, Oct. 1989. p. 5.

25. BONGAARTS, J., MAULDIN, W.P. and PHILLIPS, J.F. The demographic impact of family planning programs. Studies in Family Planning 21(6): 299-310. Nov.-Dec. 1990.

26. BOSERUP, E. Women's role in economic development. New York, St. Martin's, 1970. ?? p.

27. BOURNE, K.L. and WALKER, G.M., jr. The differential effect of mothers' education on mortality of boys and girls in India. Population Studies 45(2): 203-219. Jul. 1991.

28. BROWN, W. and CODY, M. Effects of a pro-social television soap opera in promoting women's status. Human Communication Research 18(1): 114-142. 1991.

29. BROWNER, C. Poor women's fertility decisions: Illegal abortion in Cali, Colombia. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, Department of Anthropology) 1976. 88 p. (Unpublished)

30. BRUCE, J. Fundamental elements of quality of care: A simple framework. Studies in Family Planning 21(2): 61-91. Mar.-Apr. 1990.

31. BRUCE, J. (Population Council) [Reproductive health programs] Personal communication, May 17 and May 19, 1994.

32. BRUCE, J. User's perspectives on family planning: Some operational and research issues. New York, Population Council, 1983. 66 p. (Mimeo)

*33. BRUCE, J. Women's interests: How can family planning managers respond? In: Jain, A. Managing quality of care in population programs. West Hartford, Connecticut, Kumarin, 1992. p. 35-50.

34. BRUCE, J. Women's organizations: A resource for family planning and development. Family Planning Perspectives 8(6): 291-297. Nov.-Dec. 1976.

35. BUFFINGTON, S. DE C., PAYNE MERRIT, A., CASTRO, M.P.P. DE, and CASTRO, B. DE. Promoting male involvement in Brazil: Vasectomy in the media. Presented at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, 1989.

36. BURCH, T.K. The impact of forms of families and sexual unions and dissolution of unions on fertility. In: Bulatao, R.A. and Lee, R.D., eds. Determinants of fertility in developing countries. (Vol. 2) Fertility regulation and institutional influences. New York, Academic Press, 1983. (Studies in Population) p. 532-561.

37. BUVINI, M. Projects for women in the Third World: Explaining their misbehavior. Washington, D.C., International Center for Research on Women, 1984. 29 p.

38. BUVINI, M. The design and implementation of development projects: Accounting for women. In: International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). Financing women in the Third World and the design and implementation of development projects: Accounting for women. Background papers for the ICRW panels at the NGO World Meeting for Women, Nairobi, Kenya, Jul. 10-19, 1985. Washington, D.C., ICRW, Apr. 1985. p. 15-26.

39. CAIN, M. Women's status and fertility in developing countries: Son preference and economic security. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1984. (World Bank Staff Working Papers No. 682; Population and Development Series No. 7) 68 p.

40. CALDWELL, J.C., ORUBULOYE, I.O., and CALDWELL, P. Fertility decline in Africa: A new type of transition? Population and Development Review 18(2): 211-242. Jun. 1992.

41. CAMPBELL, E.K. Sex preferences for offspring among men in the western area of Sierra Leone. Journal of Biosocial Science 23(3): 337-342. Jul. 1991.

42. CAMPBELL, O.M.R. and GRAHAM, W.J. Measuring maternal mortality and morbidity: Levels and trends. London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Maternal and Child Epidemiology Unit, May 1991. 76 p.

43. CARILLO, R. Battered dreams: Violence against women as an obstacle to development. New York, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 1992. 38 p.

44. CARNEIRO, P. Breast-feeding patterns and lactational amenorrhoea among the Warli tribals: A socioanthropological inquiry. Inernational Journal of Fertility (Suppl.): 35-39. 1988.

45. CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND POPULATION ACTIVITIES (CEDPA). Extending family planning services through Third World women managers: Final report. Washington, D.C., CEDPA, Mar. 31, 1992. 35 p.

*46. CHANDRAN, A.S. Raising a feminist consciousness: Pro-social television in India. 1993. 34 p. (Unpublished)

47. CHARLTON, S.E.M. Women in Third World development. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1984. 256 p.

48. CHEN, L.C., HUQ, E., and D'SOUZA, S. Sex bias in the family allocation of food and health care in rural Bangladesh. Population and Development Review 7(1): 55-70. Mar. 1981.

49. CHEN, M. The working women's forum: Organizing for credit and change. New York, SEEDS, 1983. (SEEDS No. 6) 20 p.

50. CHESLER, E. Woman of valor: Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement in America. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1992. 640 p.

51. CHIANG, L.-H.N. Status of women in Taiwan. In: Mahadevan, K., ed. Women and population dynamics: Perspectives from Asian countries. New Delhi, Sage, 1989. p. 90-98.

52. CHINA. STATE STATISTICAL BUREAU. Survey: Moderate improvement of women's status. China Population Today 8(6): 13-14. Dec. 1991.

53. CHUNG, K.K. Studies on FP mothers' clubs: A manual for organization and management of women's clubs. Seoul, Korea, Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea, 1987. 105 p.

54. CHURCH, C.A. and GELLER, J. Lights! Camera! Action! Promoting family planning with TV, video, and film. Population Reports, Series J, No. 38. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Dec. 1989. 32 p.

55. CHURCH, C.A. and GELLER, J.S. Voluntary female sterilization: Number one and growing. Population Reports, Series C, No. 10. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Nov. 1990. 24 p.

56. ÇILINGIROLU, N.E. Intra-familial relations and the woman's situation: A cross sectional study in two settlements. Turkish Journal of Population Studies 13: 57-64. 1991.

57. COALE, A.J. Excess female mortality and the balance of the sexes in the population: An estimate of the number of "missing females." Population and Development Review 17(3): 517-523. Sep. 1991.

*58. COCHRANE, S. and GUILKEY, D.K. How access to contraception affects fertility and contraceptive use in Tunisia. Washington, D.C., World Bank. Jan. 1992. (Population, Health, and Nutrition Working Papers no. WPS 841) 61 p.

59. COEYTAUX, F. Celebrating mother and child on the fortieth day: The Sfax, Tunisia postpartum program. Quality/Calidad/Qualité 1: 1-24. 1989.

60. COEYTAUX, F.M., LEONARD, A.H., and BLOOMER, C.M. Abortion. In: Koblinsky, M., Timyan, J., and Gay, J., eds. The health of women: A global perspective. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1993. p. 133-146.

61. COHEN, S.A. Competition, or consensus? Populi 20(9): 11-13. Oct. 1993.

*62. COHEN, S.A. The road from Rio to Cairo: Toward a common agenda. International Family Planning Perspectives 19(2): 61-66. Jun. 1993.

63. COOK, R.J. International human rights and women's reproduction health. Studies in Family Planning 24(2): 73-86. Mar.-Apr. 1993.

*64. COOK, R.J. and HAWS, J.M. The United Nations convention on the rights of women: Opportunities for family planning providers. International Family Planning Perspectives 12(2): 49-53. Jun. 1986.

65. COOK, R.J. and MAINE, D. Spousal veto over family planning services. American Journal of Public Health 77(3): 339-344. Mar. 1987.

66. COOK, R.J. and PLATA, M.I. Spousal consent for voluntary surgicalcontraception. Communique 7(1): 14-15. Jul. 1986.

67. COOPERATING AGENCIES TASK FORCE. Informed choice: Report of theCooperating Agencies Task Force. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs, Jul. 1989. 34p.

68. DARNEY, P.D., KLAISLE, C.M., TANNER, S., and ALVARADO, A.M. Sustained release contraceptives. Current Problems in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Fertility 13(3): 90-125. May-Jun. 1990.

69. DAS GUPTA, M. Selective discrimination against female children in rural Punjab. Population and Development Review 13(1): 77-100.1987.

70. DATES, J.L. and GANDY, O.H., Jr. How ideological constraints affected coverage of the Jesse Jackson campaign. Journalism Quarterly: Autumn 1985. p. 595-625.

71. DATTA, K.K., SHARMA, R.S., RAZACK, P.M.A., GHOSH, T.K., and ARORA, R.R. Morbidity pattern amongst rural pregnant women in Alwar, Rajasthan—Acohort study. Health and Population—Perspectives and Issues 3(4):282-292. Oct.-Dec. 1980.

72. DEEB, M.E. Household structure as related to childhood mortality and morbidity among low income areas in Amman. [Doctoral dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, Nov. 1987] Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms, 1987. (No. 8819040) 182 p.

73. DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH SURVEYS (DHS). IRD/MACRO INTERNATIONAL,INC. Adolescent women in sub-Saharan Africa: A chartbook on marriage and childbearing. Columbia, Maryland, Macro International, Mar. 1992.25 p.

*74. DIXON-MUELLER, R. Population policy and women'srights: Transforming reproductive choice. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, 1993. 287 p.

75. DIXON-MUELLER, R. Psychosocial consequences to women of contraceptive use and controlled fertility. In: Parnell, A.M., ed. Contraceptive use and controlled fertility: Health issues for women and children: Background papers. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1989.p. 140-159.

76. DIXON-MUELLER, R. The sexuality connection in reproductive health. Studies in Family Planning 24(5): 269-282. Sep.-Oct. 1993.

77. DIXON-MUELLER, R. and GERMAIN, A. Four essays on birth control needs and risks. New York, International Women's Health Coalition, 1993. 20 p.

78. DIXON-MUELLER, R. and GERMAIN, A. Stalking the elusive "unmet need" for family planning. Studies in Family Planning 23(5): 330-335. Sep.-Oct. 1992.

79. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS DE POBLACION Y DESARROLLO(IEPD) DE PROFAMILIA. and OFICINA NACIONAL DE PLANIFICACION (ONAPLAN). and DEMOGRAPHIC AND HEALTH SURVEYS. IRD/MACRO INTERNATIONAL (IRD). Republica Dominicana Encuesta Demografica y de Salud 1991: Informe preliminar.[Dominican Republic Demographic and Health Survey 1991: Preliminary report.] [SPA] Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. and Columbia, Maryland, IEPD. and ONAPLAN. and IRD, Dec. 1991. 28 p.

*80. DYSON, T. and MOORE, M. On kinship structure, female autonomy, and demographic behavior in India. Population and Development Review 9(1): 35-60. Mar. 1983.


82. EGYPTIAN FERTILITY CARE SOCIETY (EFCS). Norplant acceptability in Egypt survey results of EFCS clientele: Summary report 1990. Cairo, EFCS, 1990. 32 p. (Mimeo)

83. EL-ZANATY, F.H., SAYED, H.A.A., ZAKY, H.H.M., and WAY, A.A. Egypt Demographic and Health Survey 1992. Cairo and Calverton, Maryland, National Population Council and Macro International, Nov. 1993. 317p.

84. ELLERTSON, C. African men and family planning. Sep. 13, 1991. 49 p. (Unpublished)

85. ELUF, L.N. A new approach to law enforcement: The special women's police stations in Brazil. In: Schuler, M., ed. Freedom from violence: Women's strategies from around the world. New York, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 1992. p. 199-212.

86. ESCHEN, A. Acting to save women's lives: Report of the Meeting of Partners for Safe Motherhood. Washington, D.C., Population Council, 1992. 90 p.

87. ESCHEN, A. and WHITTAKER, M. Family planning: A base to build on for women's reproductive health services. In: Koblinsky, M., Timyan,J., and Gay, J., eds. The health of women: A global perspective. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1993. p. 105-131.

88. EZEH, A.C. The influence of spouses over each other's contraceptive attitudes in Ghana. Studies in Family Planning 24(3): 163-174. May-Jun. 1993.

89. FAPOHUNDA, E.R. and TODARO, M.P. Family structure, implicit contracts, and the demand for children in southern Nigeria. Population and Development Review 14(4): 571-594. Dec. 1988.

90. FATHALLA, M.F., ROSENFIELD, A., INDRISO, C., SEN, D.K., and RATNAM, S.S., eds. Reproductive health: Global issues. Park Ridge, New Jersey, Parthenon, 1990. (Vol. 3, F-I-G-0 manual of human reproduction) 224p.

91. FAUNDES, A., HARDY, E., and PINOTTI, J.A. Commentary on women's reproductive health: Means or end? International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Suppl. 3): 115-118. 1989.

92. FAUVEAU, V., KOENIG, M.A., WOJTYNIAK, B., and CHAKRABORTY, J. Impact of a family planning and health services programme on adult female mortality. Health Policy and Planning 3(4): 271-279. Dec. 1988.

93. FAUVEAU, V., WOJTYNIAK, B., KOENIG, M.A., CHAKRABORTY, J., and CHOWDHURY, A.I. Epidemiology and cause of deaths among women in rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Epidemiology 18(1): 139-145.Mar. 1989.

94. FERINGA, B. Reproductive rights under the Chilean military dictatorship. [Draft] [Prepared for submission to the Chilean Commission of Human Rights] Jul. 27, 1992. 58 p.

95. FERNANDEZ, I. Mobilizing on all fronts: A comprehensive strategy to end violence against women in Malaysia. In: Schuler, M., ed. Freedom from violence: Women's strategies from around the world. New York, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 1992. p. 101-120.

96. FIGUEROA, B. Adding color to life: Illustrated health materials for women in Peru. In: Population Council (PC). By and for women: Involving women in the development of reproductive health care materials. [Summaries in FRE, SPA] Quality/Calidad/Qualité No. 4. New York,PC, 1992. p. 12-18.

*97. FORD FOUNDATION (FF). Reproductive health and population program: A progress report. 1990-1992. [New York, FF, 1992.] (Discussion Paper prepared for the Sep. 1992 Trustees' Meeting.) 70p. (Mimeo)

98. FORT, A.L. Investigating the social context of fertility and family planning: A qualitative study in Peru. International Family Planning Perspectives 15(3): 88-95. Sep. 1989.

*99. FORTNEY, J.A. The importance of family planningin reducing maternal mortality. Studies in Family Planning 18(2):109-114. Mar.-Apr. 1987.

100. FOSTER, A.D. Program effects and the allocation of resources within the household. Apr. 29, 1994. 25 p. (Unpublished)

101. FOSTER, A.D. and ROY, N. The dynamics of education and fertility: Evidence from a family planning experiment. [Draft] Sep. 12, 1993. 27 p.

102. FRASER, A. and KAZANTSIS, M. CEDAW #11: The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and Violence Against Women. Minneapolis, Minnesota, International Women's Rights Action Watch, Aug. 1992. 44 p.

103. FREEDMAN, L.P. Women and the law in Asia and the Near East. Prepared for the USAID Conference on Women, Economic Growth and Demographic Change in Asia, the Near East and Eastern Europe, Washington, D.C., May 14-15, 1991. 44 p.

104. FREEDMAN, L.P. and ISAACS, S.L. Human rights and reproductive choice. Studies in Family Planning 24(1): 18-30. Jan.-Feb. 1993.

105. FREEMAN, M. Women's human rights and reproductive rights: Status, capacity and choice. Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development Bulletin 8(9): 1-6. Oct. 1991.

106. FREEMAN, M.A. Measuring equality: A comparative perspectiveon women's legal capacity and constitutional rights in five commonwealth countries. Berkeley Women's Law Journal 5: 110-138. 1989-90.

107. FUGELSANG, A. and CHANDLER, D. The paradigm of communication in development: From knowledge transfer to community participation—Lessons from the Grameen Bank, Bangladesh. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1987. 29 p.

108. FUGLESANG, A. and CHANDLER, D. Participation as process—What we can learn from Grameen Bank, Bangladesh. Oslo, Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Development Corporation, 1986. 234 p.

109. GACHUKIA, E.W. Options for a better life for young women: Issues overview. Presented at the Centre for Development and Population Activities Africa Regional Conference for Women Leaders, Nairobi, Feb. 8-10,1989. 26 p.

110. GAGE-BRANDON, A.J. and MEEKERS, D. Sex, contraception and childbearing before marriage in sub-Saharan Africa.

International Family Planning Perspectives 19(1): 14-18. 1993. 111. GALLEN, M.E., LISKIN, L., and KAK, N. Men—New focus for family planning programs. Population Reports, Series J, No. 33. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Nov.-Dec. 1986. 32 p.

112. GANDY, O.H., Jr. Beyond agenda setting: Information subsidies and public policy. Norwood, New Jersey, Ablex, 1982. 243 p.

113. GARZA, R.T., ISONIO, S.A., and GALLEGOS, P.I. Community development in rural Mexico: The social psychological effects of adult education. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 18(8, Pt. 2): 640-653. Jun. 1988.

114. GERMAIN, A. Reproductive health and dignity: Choices by third world women. Prepared for the International Conference on Better Health for Women and Children Through Family Planning, Nairobi, Oct.1987. 31 p.

115. GERMAIN, A. and ORDWAY, J. Population control and women's health: Balancing the scales. New York, International Women's Health Coalition, Jun. 1989. 17 p.

116. GHANA STATISTICAL SERVICE (GSS). and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/INSTITUTEFOR RESOURCE DEVELPOMENT/MACRO SYSTEMS (IRD). Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 1988. Accra, Ghana. and Columbia, Maryland, GSS. and IRD, Sep. 1989. 214 p.

117. GHOSH, S. Discrimination all the way. Health for the Millions 17(2): 19-23. Apr. 1991.

118. GHURAYYIB, R. The women of the Maghreb. Al-Raida 10(57): 13-16.Spring 1992.

119. GOMEZ, E. Sex discrimination and excess female mortality among children in the Americas. (Prepared for the 18th National Council for International Health Conference, Arlington, Virginia, Jun. 23-26,1991.) ?? p.

120. GORDON, L. Voluntary motherhood: The beginnings of feminist birth control ideas in the United States. In: Leavitt, J.W., ed. Women and health in America: Historical readings. Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1984. p. 104-116.

121. GORDON, L. Woman's body, woman's right: Birth control in America. Rev. ed. New York, Penguin Books, 1990. 592 p.

122. GOVINDASAMY, P., STEWART, M.K., RUTSTEIN, S.O., BOERMA, J.T., and SOMMERFELT, A.E. High-risk births and maternity care. Columbia, Maryland, Macro International, Jun. 1993. (Demographic and Health Surveys Comparative Studies No. 8) 53 p.

*123. GRAHAM, W.J. and CAMPBELL, O.M.R. Measuring maternal health: Defining the issues. London, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Maternal and Child Epidemiology Unit, May 1991.42 p.

124. GREEN, C.P. Male involvement programs in family planning: Lessons learned and implications for AIDS prevention. [Draft] Geneva, World Health Organization, Mar. 6, 1990. 65 p.

125. GREENHALGH, S. Negotiating birth control in village China. New York, Population Council, 1992. (Working Papers No. 38) 46 p.

126. GREENHALGH, S. Women in the informal enterprise: Empowerment or exploitation? New York, Population Council, 1991. (Working Papers No. 33) 43 p.

127. GUILKEY, D.K. and COCHRANE, S.H. Zimbabwe: Determinants of contraceptive use at the leading edge of fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa. Apr. 23, 1992. p. 17-21. (Unpublished)

128. HAMMERSLOUGH, C.R. Women's groups and contraceptive use in rural Kenya. Prepared for IUSSP seminar on the Course of Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, Nov. 19-22, 1991. 30p.

129. HASHEMI, S.M. and SCHULER, S.R. Defining and studying empowerment of women: A research note from Bangladesh. (Revision) Boston, Massachusetts, John Snow, Oct. 1993. (JSI Working Paper No. 3) 19 p.

130. HAUSSER, D. and MICHAUD, P.-A. Condom promotion does not increase sexual activity among adolescents. Presented at the 8th International Conference on AIDS/3rd STD World Congress, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Jul. 19-24, 1992. 3 p. 131. HAVANON, N., KNODEL, J., and SITTITRAL, W. Family size and family well being in Thailand, 1989. (Family Health International Briefing Paper) 5 p. (Unpublished)

132. HECTOR, O., RUSSELL-BROWN, P.,and HENRY, V. Increasing maleuse of contraceptives. St. Kitts-Nevis, Ministry of Health, Education and Community Affairs, 1990. 35 p.

133. HEISE, L. Violence against women: The missing agenda. In: Koblinsky, M., Timyan, J., and Gay, J., eds. The health of women: A global perspective. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1992. p. 171-195.

*134. HENSHAW, S.K. Induced abortion: A world review, 1990. Family Planning Perspectives 22(2): 76-81. Mar.-Apr. 1990.

135. HERZ, B. and MEASHAM, A.R. The safe motherhood initiative: Proposals for action. Washington D.C., World Bank, 1987. 52 p.

136. HINDIN, M.J., KINCAID, D.L., KUMAH, O.M., MORGAN, W., and KIM, Y.M. Gender differences in media exposure and action during a family planning campaign in Ghana. Health Communication 6(2): 117-135. 1994.

*137. HOBCRAFT, J. Child spacing and child mortality. In: Macro International. Proceedings of the Demographic and Health Surveys World Conference, Aug. 5-7, 1991, Washington, D.C. Columbia, Maryland, Macro International, 1991. p. 1157-1181.

138. HOLLERBACH, P.E. Fertility decision-making processes: A critical essay. New York, Population Council, Oct. 1982. (Center for Policy Studies Working Paper No. 90) 55 p.

139. HONG, S. (USAID) [Number of women field workers in family planning programs worldwide] Personal communication, Apr. 22, 1993.

*140. HONG, S. and SELTZER, J.R. The impact of family planning on women's lives: A conceptual framework and research agenda. Apr. 1992. 71 p. (Unpublished)

141. HOSSAIN, M.M. and GLASS, R.I. Parental son preference in seeking medical care for children less than five years of age in a rural community in Bangladesh. American Journal of Public Health 78(10): 1349-1350. Oct. 1 988.

142. HUEZO, C. and MALHOTRA, U. Choice and use-continuation of methods of contraception: A multicentre study. London, International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1993. 163 p.

143. HUSTON, P. Motherhood by choice: Pioneers in women's health and family planning. New York, Feminist Press, 1992. 182 p.

*144. HUSTON, P. Third world women speak out: Interviews in six countries on change, development, and basic needs. New York, Praeger, 1979. 153 p.

145. IBRAHIM, B. and FARAH, N. Women's lives and health: The Cairo Women's Health Book Collective. In: Population Council. By and for women: Involving women in the development of reproductive health care materials. [Summaries in FRE, SPA] Quality/Calidad/Qualite No.4. New York, PC, 1992. p. 4-11.

146. ILUKOMA, A. Legal issues in maternal mortality. [n.d.] 13 p. (Unpublished)

147. INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION (IPPF). Reproductive rights. [Wall chart] London, IPPF, Nov. 1991. 1 p.

148. INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION. Women and family planning: Issues for the 1990's: Discussion note. Prepared for the Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, Gaborone, Botswana, Jun. 22-26, 1992. 8 p.

149. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S RIGHTS ACTION WATCH (IWRAW). Status report as of Jun. 1993 of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Minneapolis, Minnesota, IWRAW, 1993. 7 p.

150. JACOBSON, R. Domestic violence as a development issue. Focuson Gender 1(2): 37-39. Jun. 1993.

Population Reports is published by the Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA

Palavras chave: population, health, dc, p, family, 1991, international, macro, family planning, preference, anonymous, demographic, planning, m, fertility, sex preference, macro international, demographic health, world, girl child india,


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