04 - Network: Female Condom Reuse Examined

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Structural integrity of the device remains intact after multiple washings, but more research is needed.. . The female condom is intended to serve a dual role, offering protection against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD). Early research shows some women and men find it to be an acceptable option.. . However, research is needed to determine more precisely how effective it can be. Also, it is relatively expensive and is currently approved for only one act of intercourse. If it could be used safely and effectively more than once, it would be less expensive to use. Preliminary research on reuse of the device is promising but more information is needed.. . The only widely available method of preventing transmission of HIV and other STDs is the male latex condom. If a woman cannot persuade her partner to use a male condom, the female condom may be a practical alternative.. . "The female condom is a very important barrier method, one that provides an additional device for women and men to protect against pregnancy and STDs, including HIV," says Bunmi Makinwa, who directs condom programs for the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Although ...

Palavras chave: condom, female, device, female condom, use, the , hiv, research, reuse, remains, protection, than, male, women, male condom, intercourse, remains intact, only, use male condom, sexually transmitted,


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