09 - Bibliografia - 1ª Parte

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

O asterisco (*) designa um artigo que foi de especial valor para preparação deste número de Population Reports.

ABDEL-TAWAB, N.G. Provider-client communication in family planning clinics in Egypt: Styles, predictors, and associations with client outcomes. Doctoral Disertation, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1995. 242 p.

ABDOOL, K.Q., PRESTON-WHYTE, E., and ABDOOL, K.S.S. Teenagers seeking condoms at family planning services: A providers' perspective. South African Medical Journal 82(5): 356-359. 111992.

ABOUZAHR, C., VLASSOFF, C., and KUMAR, A. Quality Health care for women: A global challenge. Health Care for Women International 17(5): 449-467. Sep./Oct. 1996.

AHMED, A.M., GAVYOLE, A., OMAR, H.M., and MUNISI, W. The national guidelines for supervision checklist: A tool for monitoring supervision activities at district level in Tanzania. Annali Di Igiene 6(2): 161-6. Mar./Apr. 1994,

AINSLIE, R. (Johns Hopkins School Of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs) The Brazilian Proquali Project] Personal communication, May 20, 1998.

AINSWORTH, M. Family planning programs: The clients' perspective. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1985. (World Bank Staff Working Papers, Population and Development Series Nº 676) 86 p.

ALDERMAN, H. and LAVY, V. Household responses to public health services: Cost and quality tradeoffs. World Bank Observer I Ill): 3-22. Feb. 1996.

ALLMAN , I., ROHDE, J., and WRAY, J. Integration and disintegration: The case of family planning in Haiti. Health Policy and Planning 2(3): 1-9. Sep. 1987.

AMERICAN HEALTH CONSULTANTS. joint Commission backs off CQI; QA back in favor. QI/TQM, Sep. 1992. p. 1-2.

ASERA, R., BACARUKAY0, H., SHUEY, D., and BARTON, T. Searching for solutions: Health concerns expressed in letters to an East African newspaper column. Health Transition Review 6(2): 169-178. 1996.

ASHRAF, A., DUNSTON, A.G., HASAN, Y., BARKAT-EKHUDA, and MARU, R. Strengthening front-line supervision to improve performance offamily planning field workers in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Centre for Health and Population Research, 1996. 57 p.

ASKEW, I. Using Situation Analysis to improve reproductive health programs. In: Miller, K., Miller, R., Askew, L, Horn, M.C., and Ndhlovu, L., eds. Clinic-based family planning and reproductive health services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis studies. New York, Population Council. Nov. 1998. p. 87-104.

ASKEW, L, TAPSOBA, P., OUEDRAOGO, Y., VIADRO, C., BAKOUAN, D., and SEGBO, P. Quality of care in family planning programmes: A rapid assessment in Burkina Faso. Health Policy and Planning 8(1): 19-32. Mar. 1993.

AVIS, M., BOND, M., and ARTHUR, A. Questioning patient satisfaction: An empirical investigation. Social Science and Medicine 44(1): 85-92. 1997.

AVSC INTERNATIONAL (AVSC). AVSC medical monitoring handbook. (Working Draft). New York, AVSC, Mar. 1996. 96 p.

AVSC INTERNATIONAL (AVSC). COPE: Client-Oriented Provider-Efficient services. A process and tools for quality, improvement in family planning and other reproductive health services. New York, AVSC, 1995.115 p.

AVSC INTERNATIONAL (AVSC). Facilitative supervision guide. (Working draft). New York, AVSC, (forthcoming)

AVSC INTERNATIONAL (AVSC). No-scalpel vasectomy: An illustrated guide for surgeons. 2nd ed. New York, AVSC, 1997.

BAHAMON, C., BUXBAUM, A., and LITTLEFIELD, J., eds. Miller, J., series ed, Focusing on customer service. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. 5 Spring 1996. 18 p.

BAILEY, 1. and KELLER, A. Post family planning acceptance experience in the Caribbean: St. Kitts-Nevis and St. Vincent. Studies in Family Planning 13(2): 44-58. Feb. 1982.

BARNETT, B. Uniform guidelines improve client care. Network 15(2): 9-13. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Family Health International. Dec. 1994.

BARNETT, J..and STEIN, J. Women's voices, women's lives: The impact of family planning. A synthesis of findings from the Women's Studies Project. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Family Health International, Jun. 1998. 88 p.

BEATTIE, K., EASEL, A.I., AHMED, M., and PATI, B.A. Introducing COPE in Asia: A quality management tool for FP services in Bangladesh. In: Salia, J. and Liow, M.L., eds. Innovative approaches to population programme management: Quality of care. Vol. 1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, International Council on Management of Population Programmes. 1994. p. 15-30.

BEEGLE, K. The quality and availability of family planning services and contraceptive use in Tanzania. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1995. (LSMS Working Paper Nº 114) 63 p.

*25. BEN SALEM, B. and BEATTIE, K.J. Facilitative supervision: A vital link in quality reproductive health service delivery. New York, AVSC International, Aug. 1996. (AVSC Working Paper Nº 10) 19 P.

26. BENAVENTE, J. and MADDEN, C., eds. Miller, J., series ed. Improving supervision: A team approach. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Man

agement Sciences for Health, Vol. 2 Oct./Nov./Dec. 1993. 18 p. 27. BENNETT, S., DAKPALLAH, G., GARNER, P., GILSON, L., NITTAYARAMPHONG, S., ZURITA, B., and ZWI, A. Carrot and stick: State mechanisms to influence private provider behavior. Health Policy and Planning 9(1): 1-13. 1994.

2 8 BERNHART, M.H. Improving the quality of basic health care in Indonesia. Ministry of Health of Indonesia, World Bank, and ,he Quality Assurance Project of the US Agency for international Development., Jan. 1995. 12 p.

29. BERNHART, M.H. Management of family planning programs and operations research. In: Seidman, M. and Horn, M.C. Operations research: Helping family planning programs work better. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Vol. 371. New York, Wiley-Liss. 1991. p. 143-180.

30. BERNHART, M.H. Strategic management of population programs. Washington, D.C., World Bank, Oct. 1992. (Policy Research Working Papers Nº 996) 26 p.

31. BERTAKIS, K.D., ROTER, D., and PUTNAM, S.M. The relationship of physician medical interview style to patient satisfaction. Journal of Family Practice 32: 175-181. Feb. 1991.

32. BERTRAND, J.T., HARDEE, K., MAGNANI, R.J., and ANGLE, M.A. Access, quality of cam, and medical barriers in family planning programs. International Family Planning Perspectives 21(2): 64-74. Jun. 1995.

*33. BERTRAND, J.T., MAGNANI, R.J., and KNOWLES, J.C. Handbook of indicators for family planning program evaluation. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, EVALUATION Project, 1994. 218 p.

34. BERWICK, D.M. Continuous improvement as an ideal in healthcare. New England Journal of Medicine 320(1): 53-56. Jan. 5,1989.

35. BLANEY, C.L. "Quality" aims for clients, often relies on staff. Network 14(1): 5-8. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Family Health international. Aug. 1993.

36. BLAZEY, M. Achieving performance excellence. Quality Progress 30(6): 61-64. Jun. 1997.

37. BEECHER, M. Use of indicators in health care management. World Health Forum 17(3): 287. 1996.

38. BLUMENFELD, S.N. Quality assurance in transition. Papua New Guinea Medical Journal 36(2): 81-89. Jun. 1993.

39. BLUMENTHAL, D. Quality of care-What is it? New England journal of Medicine 335(12): 891-893. Sep. 1996.

40. BLUMENTHAL, P.D. and MCINTOSH, N. Pocket guide for family planning providers 1996-1998. 2nd ed. Oliveras, E. ed. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Reproductive Health, 1996. 399 p.

41. BONGAARTS, J. and BRUCE, J. The causes of unmet need for contraception and the social content of services. Studies in Family Planning 26(2): 57-75. Mar./Apr. 1995.

42. BOTTORFF, D.L. COQ systems: The right stuff. Quality Progress : 33-35. Mar. 1997.

43. BRADLEY, J. (AVSC International) [Supervision, Data for Decisionmaking] Personal communication, May 7,1998.

44. BRADLEY, 1. Using COPE to improve quality of care: The experience of the Family Planning Association of Kenya. Quality/Calidad/Qualité, Nº 9. 1998. p. 1-24.

45. BRADLEY, J., LYNAM, P.F., DYER, I.C., and WAMBWA, G.E. Whole-site training: A new approach to the organization of training. New York, AVSC International, Aug. 1998. (AVSC Working Paper Nº 11) 16 p.

46. BRANCICH, C. (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs) [Egypt's Gold Star program] Personal communication, Aug. 20, 1998.

47. BRATT, J.H., FOREIT, J., and DE VARGAS, T. Three strategies to promote sustainability of CEMOPLAF clinics in Ecuador. Studies in Family Planning 29(1): 59-68. Mar. 1998.

48. BROAD, M.L. and NEWSTROM, J.W. Transfer of training: Action-packed strategies to ensure high payoff from training investments. Reading, Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992. 194 p.

49. BROOK, R.H. Managed care is not the problem, quality is. journal of the American Medical Association 278(19):1612-1614. Nov. 19, 1997.

50. BROOKS, D.C. The joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. In: Goldfield, N. and Nash, D.H., eds. Providing quality care: Future challenges. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Health Administration Press. 1995. p. 145-160.

51. BROWN, L.., RICE, J., TYANE, M., and BERTRAND, J.T. Measuring the effect of quality of services on contraceptive use in Morocco. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, Apr. 6-8, 1995. p. 41. (Unpublished)

52. BROWN, L., TYANE, M., BERTRAND, J.T., LAURO, D., ABOU-OUAKIL, M., and DEMARIA, L. Quality of care in family planning services in Morocco. Studies in Family Planning 26(3): 154-168. May/Jun. 1995.

*53. BRUCE, J. Fundamental elements of the quality of care: A simple framework. Studies in Family Planning 21(2): 61-91. Mar./Apr. 1990.

54. BRUCE, J. Implementing the user perspective. Studies in Family Planning 11 M: 29-33. Jan. 1980.

55. BRUCE, J. and JAIN, A. Improving quality of care through operations research. In: Seidman, M. and Horn, M.C. Operations research: helping family planning programs work better. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Vol. 371. New York, WileyLiss. 1991. p. 259-282.

56. BUCHANAN. F.D. and BATALDEN, P.E. Knowledge for improvement: Initiating continual improvement at the Hospital Corporation of America. In: Goldfield, N. and Nash, D.H., eds. Providing quality care: Future challenges. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Health Administration Press. 1995. p. 99-114.

57. BUCKNER, B. A guide to methods of family planning program evaluation. EVALUATION Project, 1995.143 p.

58. BUCALHO,A.andBERGSTRÖM,S. Value of perinatal audit in obstetric care in the developing world: A ten-year experience of the Maputo model. Gynocologic and Obstetric Investigation 36: 239-243. Nov. 1993.

59. BULATAO, R.A. Key indicators for family planning projects. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1995. (World Bank Technical Paper Nº 297) 39 p.

*60. BUXBAUM, A., ed. Miller, J., series ed. Working solutions worldwide. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. 4 Jan-/Feb. 1995. 19 p.

*61. BUXBAUM, A., MURRAY, N., and VERNON, R., eds. Miller, J., series ed. Using CQI to strengthen family planning programs. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. 2 Jan./Feb. 199120 p.

62. CALLA, CAD. Translating concepts of total quality management to improve quality of health care in family planning service delivery programs in developing countries. Washington, D.C., Population Technical Assistance Project, Oct. 14, 1991. 14 p.

63. CALLA,C. Use of clinical guidelines to enhance quality of family planning service programs in developing countries. Washington, D.C., Population Technical Assistance Project, Feb. 1992. 12 p.

64. CALLA, C.D. Concepts of quality of care in family planning: Programmatic implications for the Family Planning Services Division, Office of Population. Washington, D.C., United States Agency for International Development, Jan. 1991. 29 p.

*65. CAMPBELL, B., ADJEI, S., and HEYWOOD, A. From data to decision making in health: The evolution of a health management information system. Amsterdam, Royal Tropical Institute, 1996.96 p. 66. CARIGNAN, C.S., IPPOLITO, L., and NERSESIAN, RV. SEATS II: Clinical protocols for family planning programs: A resource book. Volume 1. AVSC International and John Snow, Oct. 1995.

67. CENTRO PARAGUAYO DE ESTUDIOS DE POOLAC16N and POPULATION COUNCIL. Developing tools of low-cost use to improve the quality of rural community-based distribution (CBD) in Paraguay. New York, Population Council, Mar. 1993. 2 p.

68. CLEARY, P. and EDGMAN-LEVITAN, S. Health care quality: Incorporating consumer perspectives. journal of the American Medical Association 278(19): 1608-1612. Nov. 19, 1997.

69. COLEMAN, P. (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs) [ASHONPLAFA internal campaign in Honduras] Personal communication, Oct. 24, 1997.

*70. CONN, C.P., JENKINS, P., and TOURAY, S.O. Strengthening health management: Experience of district teams in The Gambia. Health Policy and Planning 11(1): 64-71. 1996.

71. COTTEN, N., STANBACK, J., MAIDOUKA, H., TAYLORTHOMAS, J.T., and TURK, T. Early discontinuation of contraceptive use in Niger and The Gambia. International Family Planning Perspectives 18(4): 145-149. Dec. 1992.

72. COTTINGHAM, J. and MEHTA, S. Medical barriers to contraceptive use. Reproductive Health Matters, Nº 1. May 1993. p. 97-100.

73. CROSBY, P.H. Quality is free. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1979. 74. DAVIES, H.T.O. and CROMBIE, I.K. Assessing the quality of care: Measuring well-supported processes may be more enlightening than monitoring outcomes. British Medical journal 311: 766. Sep. 23, 1995.

75. DE CASTRO BUFFINGTON, S. A framework for establishing integrated reproductive health training. Advances in Contraception 11(4):317-324. Dec. 1995.

*76. DE GEYNDT, W. Managing the quality of health care in developing countries. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1995. (world Bank Technical Papers Nº 258) 89 p.

77. DE NEGRI, B. and COLEMAN, P. Trip report, Honduras, Jan. 20-28, 1997. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs, Feb. 4, 1997. 3 p.

78. DELBANCO, T.L. and DALEY, J. Through the patient's eyes: Strategies toward more successful contraception. Obstetrics and Gynecology 88(3 Suppl.): 41 S-47S. Sep. 1996.

79. DEMING,W.E. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1986. 507 p.

80. DETTMER, H.W. Theory of constraints: A system-level approach to continuous improvement. The Quality Management Forum Fall 1993.

81. DEWINE, S. The consultant's craft: improving organizational communication. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1994.

82. DIAZ, M. (Management Sciences for Health) [Quality Methodologies Used at Management Sciences for Health] Personal communication, Sep. 16, 1998.

83. DIAZ, M., ROGOW, D., and BARZELATTO, J. The Colectivo: A feminist sexuality and health collective in Brazil. Quality/Calidad/Qualitd, Nº 6. 1995. p. 1-21.

84. DIAZ, S. Quality is client oriented. Planned Parenthood Challenges, Nº. 2. 1994. p. 31-33.

85. DIMATTEO, M.R. The physician-patient relationship: Effects on the quality of healthcare. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 37(1): 149-161. Mar. 1994.

86. DIMATTEO, M.R., SHERBOURNE, C.D., HAYS, R.D., ORDWAY, L., KRAVITZ, R.L., MCGLYNN, E.A., KAPLAN, S., and ROGERS, W.H. Physicians' characteristics influence patients'adherence to medical treatment: Results from medical outcomes study. Health Psychology 12(2): 93-102. Mar. 1993.

*87. DIPRETE BROWN, L. Lessons learned in institutionalization of quality assurance programs: An international perspective. International journal for Quality in Health Care 7(4): 419-425. 1995. 88. DIPRETE BROWN, L. Quality improvement in health care: Institutionalization issues. Bethesda, Maryland, Quality Assurance Project. Center for Human Services, (Discussion Paper) 13 p. (Unpublished)


89. DIPRETE BROWN, L., FRANCO, L.M., RAFEH, N., and HATZELL, T. Quality assurance of health care in developing countries. Bethesda, Maryland, Quality Assurance Project, Center for Human Services, 1993. 27 p.

90. DOHLIE, M. AVSC International) COPE implementation sites] Personal communication, May 7, 1998.

91. DONABEDIAN, A. The definition of quality: A conceptual exploration. in: Explorations in quality assessment and monitoring: The definition of quality and approaches to its assessment. Vol. 1. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Health Administration Press. 1980. p. 3-28.

92. DONABEDIAN, A. Institutional and professional responsibilities in quality assurance. Quality Assurance in Health Care 1 (1): 3-11, 1989.

93. DONABEDIAN, A. The quality of care: How can it be assessed? journal of the American Medical Association 260(12): 1743-1748. Sep. 23-30, 1988.

94. DONOVAN, J.L. Patient decision making: The missing ingredient in compliance research. International journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 11 (3): 443-455. 1995.

95. DURAN-ARENAS, L.G. The continuous quality improvement program in the Mexican Secretary of Health. In: Kazandjian, V.A., ed. The effectiveness of CQI in healthcare: Stories from a global perspective. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ASCQ Quality Press. 1997. p. 11-48.

96. DWYER, I., ed. Miller, J., series ed. Reducing client waiting time. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. I Mar./Apr. 1992. 8 p.

97. DWYER, I., HAWS, J., WAMBWA, G., BABAWALE, M., WAY, F., and LYNAM, P. COPE: A self-assessment technique for improving family planning services, New York, AVSC International, 1991. 98. DWYER, 1. and JEZOWSKI, 1. Quality management for family planning services: Practical experience from Africa. New York, AVSC International, Feb. 1995. (AVSC Working Paper Nº 7) 8 p. 99. EDMUNDS, M., STRACHAN, D., and VRIESENDORP, S. Client-responsive family planning: A handbook for providers. Watertown, Massachusetts, Pathfinder Fund, 1987. 93 p.

100. EGYPT. MINISTRY OF HEALTH, FAMILY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, and SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Standards of service for Quality improvement Program monitoring system. Cairo, Egypt. Ministry of Health, Family Planning Department, Aug. 1994.

101. EISEMAN, E. AVSC International) [Whole site training] Personal communication, Sep. 6, 1996.

102. ELLIS, S.K. Use the step-phase model to assess organizational change. Quality Progess 29(12): 119-120, 128. Dec. 1996.

103. EL-ZANATY AND ASSOCIATES. Quality of care and family planning utilization in ministry of health and population clinics. Egypt, National Population Council, Institutional Development Project, May 1998. (Draft)

104. EVALUATION PROJECT. Minutes of Meetings: Oct. 5-6, 1995. Service Delivery Working Group, EVALUATION Project, 1995. 25 p.

105. EVANS, 1. and HUEZO, C., eds. Family planning handbook for health professionals: The sexual and reproductive health approach. London, International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1997, 387 p.

106. FAJARDO, I.M. Impact evaluation of MEXFAM's TQM/CQI Project. Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Mar. 1-13, 1994.

107. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL (FHI). Contraceptive technology update series [Training Modules]. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, FHI, 1994-1998.

108. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL (FHI). Improving STU treatment for women. Arlington, Virginia, FHI, AIDS Control and Prevention Project, 1994. 2 p.

109. FAUNDES, A. The Cairo consensus and women's reproductive health in less developed countries. Health Transition Review 6(1): 87-91. 1996.

110. FIGUEROA, M., GOICOCHEA, P., POPPE, P., QUEIROLO, C., TAPIA A M., and TELLO, M.. Evaluación diagnóstico rápido de necessidades de comunicación [IEC Needs Assessment] [SPA]. Peru, Ministerio de Salad de Peru and United States Agency for

International Development, 1997. 213 p.

111. FONTAINE, A., POTTER, L., and VENEY, J.L. Use-effectiveness of oral contraceptives and quality of care. Apr. 25, 1993. 32 p. (Working Draft)

112. FRANCO, L.M., FRANCO, C., KUMWENDA, N., and NKHOMA, W. Malawi field study: Comparison of methods for assessing quality of health worker performance related to management of ill children. Bethesda, Maryland, Quality Assurance Project, Aug. 1996. (Quality Assurance Methodology Refinement Series) 79 p.

113. FRANCO, L.M., NEWMAN, J., MURPHY, G., and MARIAM, F. Achieving quality through problem-solving and process improvement. Bethesda, Maryland, Quality Assurance Project, 1995. (Quality Assurance Methodology Refinement Series)

114. GARAVAGLIA, P. Transfer of training: Making training stick. American Society for Training and Development, Dec. 1995. (info-Line Nº 9512) 20 p.

115. GILLESPIE, D. New Ghana service policy expands access to family planning services. Washington, D.C., United States Agency for international Development, Feb. 7, 1997. (Monthly Activities Report: Jan. 1997) 2 p.

116. GILSON, L., ALILIO, M., and HEGGENHOUGEN, K. Community satisfaction with primary health care services: An evaluation undertaken in the Morogoro region of Tanzania. Social Science and Medicine 39(6): 767-780. 1994.

117. GILSON, I., MAGOMI, M., and MKANGAA, E. The structural quality of Tanzanian primary health facilities. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 73(1): 105-114. 1995.

118. GNECCO, G.D. and DIPRETE BROWN, L. Development of a national program for the evaluation and improvement of quality in Chile. Q.A. Reports, Bethesda, Maryland. Quality Assurance Project, Aug. 1995. p. 2.

119. GONZALEZ, M., COLINDRES, H., URROZ, O., ORLICH, J., and VELDHUYZEN VAN ZANTEN, T. Health care sector reform and quality assurance in Costa Rica. Bethesda, Maryland, Quality Assurance Project, Oct. 1995.

120. CORBACH, P., KHANH HOA, D.T., TSUI, A., and NHAN, VQ. Abortion and family planning in two northern communes of Vietnam. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 8-11, 1996. 20 p.

121. GRAEFF, J.A., ELDER, J.P., and BOOTH, E.M. Communication for health and behavior change: A developing country perspective. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993. 204 p.

122. GREEN, C.P. Strategic management of family planning programs. Washington, D.C., World Bank, Sep. 1992. (Policy Research Working Papers) 49 p.

123. GREENFIELD, S. Measuring the quality of office practice. In: Goldfield, N. and Nash, D.B., eds. Providing quality care: Future challenges. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Health Administration Press. 1995. p. 129-143.

124. HAAGA, J.G. and MARU, R. The effect of operations research on program changes in Bangladesh. Studies in Family Planning 27(2): 76-87. Mar./Apr., 1996.

125. HABERLAND, N., MILLER, K., BRUCE, J., and FASSIHIAN, C. Unrealized II zed quality and missed opportunities in family planning services. In: Miller, K., Miller, R., Askew, I., Horn, M.C., and Ndhlovu, L., eds. Clinic-based family planning and reproductive health services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis studies. New York, Population Council. Nov. 1998. p. 125-139.

126. HALL, J.A., EPSTEIN, A.M., DECIANTIS, M.L., and MCNEIL, B.I. Physicians'liking for their patients: More evidence for the role of affect in medical care. Health Psychology 12(2):140-146. 1993.

127. HARDEE, K. Management information systems and quality of care. Prepared for the Task Force on Measuring Quality of Care, United Nations Population Division, Oct. 16-18, 1995. Family Health International, (Discussion paper) 23 p.

128. HARDEE, K., BARKAT-E-KHUDA, KAMAL, G., RAHMAN, A., and MCMAHAN, J. Contraceptive implant users and their access to removal services in Bangladesh. International Family Planning Perspectives 20(2): 59-65. )on. 1994.

129. HARDEE, K- and GOULD, B.J. A process for quality improvement in family planning services. International Family Planning Perspectives 19(4): 147-152. Dec. 1993.

130. HARDEE, K., JANOWITZ, B., STANBACK, J., HUBACHER, D., THOMPSON, A., BRATT, I., and VILLINSKI, M. Measuring service practices: What have we learned? Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Family Health International, Jun. 1996. (Working Paper Nº WP96-01) 24 p.

131. HARDEE, K., JANOWITZ, B., STANBACK, J., and VILLINSKI, M.T. What have we learned from studying changes in service guidelines and practices? International Family Plano; Perspectives 24(2): 84-90. 1998.

132. HARDEE, K. and KLEEFIELD, S., eds. Miller, J., series ed. manager's toolbox for CQI. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. 2 Jan./Feb. 1993. 14 p.

133. HARDEE-CLEAVELAND, K., NORTON, M., and CALLA, C. Quality of care in family planning service delivery: A survey of Cooperating Agencies of the Family Planning Services Division, Office of Population, United States Agency for International Development. Family Health international, Apr. 1992.

134. HARDON, A. Reproductive rights in practice: A comparative assessment of quality of care. In: Hardon, A. and Hayes, E. Reproductive rights in practice: A feminist report on quality of care. London, Zed Books. 1997. p. 193-222.

135. HASSAN, E.O. The role of standards and guidelines in quality of care. In: Senanyake, P. and Kleinman, R.L., eds. Family planning: Meeting challenges, promoting choices. Proceedings of the IPPF Family Planning Congress, New Delhi, Oct. 1992. Pearl River, New York, Parthenon Publishing Group. 1993. p. 245-249.

136. HATCHER, R., RINEHART, W., BLACKBURN, R., GELLER, J., and SHELTON, J.D. The essentials of contraceptive technology: A handbook for clinic staff. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Population Information Program, Jul. 1997. 340 p.

137. HAYES, J. and SHAW, C.D. Implementing accreditation systems. International journal for Quality in Health Care 7(2): 165-171. Jun. 1995.

138. HEIBY, J. Process and outcome evaluation: Experience with systems analysis in the PRICOR project. In: Seidman, M. and Horn, M.C., eds. Operations research: Helping family planning programs work better. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. Vol. 371. New York, Wiley-Liss. 1991. p. 395-410.

139. HELFENBEIN, S., SEMS, S., and RUHE, D., eds. Miller, I., series ed. Learning to think strategically. Family Planning Manager, Boston, Family Planning Management Development, Management Sciences for Health, Vol. 3 Jan./Feb. 1994.16 p.

140. HENBEST, R. and FEHRSEN, S. Patient-centredness: Is it applicable outside the West? Its measurement and effect on outcomes. Family Practice 9: 311-317. 1992.

141. HERM, J. Manager and worker accountability. In: Lapham, R.J. and Simmons, G.B. Organizing for effective family planning programs. Committee on Population, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education of the National Research Council. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press. 1987. p. 263-294.

142. HERMIDA, J. Preparándonos para el cólera: Evaluación rápida de la calidad de [as actividades de rehidratación oral en Guatemala [Preparing for cholera: Rapid evaluation of the quality of oral rehydration in Guatemala] [SPA]. Salad Publica de Mexico 35(3): 268-282. May./Jun. 1993.

143. HERMIDA, J., LASPINA, C., and IDROVO, F. Reducing patient waiting times through quality assurance methods in La, Troncal, Ecuador. Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization 30(2): 118-124. 1996.

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Population Reports is published by the Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA

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