Bibliografia - 1ª Parte

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

1. ANONYMOUS. FDA investigating IUDs after deaths reported. FDA Drug Bulletin 4(2): 10. 1974.

2. ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE MEDICINA (ANM). Respuestas de la Academia Nacional de Medicina al Ministerio de Salud sobre "dispositivos intrauterinos." [Responses of the National Academy of Medicine to the Ministry of Health on "Intrauterine Devices."][SPA] Bogotá, Colombia, ANM, Sep. 1986. 1 p.

3. ALAN GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE (AGI). Risky business: an overview of the crisis in liability insurance. Washington, D.C., AGI, Dec. 1986. 37 p.

4. ALVIOR, G.T., Jr. Pregnancy outcome with removal of intrauterine device. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 41(6): 894–896. Jun. 1973.

5. ALZA CORPORATION (AC). The Progestasert: intrauterine progesterone contraceptive system: release rated 65 mg/day progesterone for one year. Palo Alto, California, AC, 1976. 61 p.

6. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS (ACOG). ACOG’s statement on Searle’s removal of IUDs. Washington, D.C., ACOG, Jan. 31, 1986. 1 p. (Mimeo)

7. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS (ACOG). The intrauterine device. ACOG Technical Bulletin No. 104, May 1987. 5 p.

8. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. APHA passes 22 new policies; calls for death penalty ban, opposes Contra aid. The Nation’s Health 16(10–11): 7. Oct.-Nov. 1986.

9. ANDOLSEK, L., TEETER, R.A., KOZUH-NOVAK, M., WHEELER, R., FORTNEY, J.A., and ROSENBERG, M.J. Time to conception after IUD removal: importance of duration of use, IUD type, pelvic inflammatory disease and age. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 24(3): 217–223. Jun. 1986.

* 10. ANDRADE, A.T.L. and PIZARRO, E.P. Quantitative studies on menstrual blood loss in IUD users. Contraception 36(1): 129–144. Jul. 1987.

11. ANN, T.B. and SIM, C.C. Knowledge and use of contraception. [Draft] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, National Population and Family Development Board, 1987. 32 p.

12. AREF, I., HEFNAWI, F., KANDIL, O., YACOUT, M., and SAID, E. Effect of ML Cu250 IUD on menstrual blood loss and sperm migration. In: Hafez, E.S.E. and Van Os, W.A.A., eds. Medicated IUDs and polymeric delivery systems. Detroit, Hafez and Van Os, 1979. p. 22A–22B.

13. ASOCIACION DEMOGRAFICA SALVADORENA. and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, WESTINGHOUSE. El Salvador National Family Health Survey, 1985. Jan. 1987. 23 p. (Unpublished)

14. AUDEBERT, A.J.M. Follow-up studies of the new IUD "Ombrelle 250." Advances in Contraception 3(3): 192–193. Sep. 1987.

15. AUDEBERT, A.J.M. and EMPERAIRE, J.C. Pelvic and abdominal IUDs: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. In: Hafez, E.S.E. and Van Os, W.A.A., eds. IUD pathology and management. Boston, G.K. Hall, 1980. (Progress in Contraceptive Delivery Systems Vol. 3) p. 159–168.

16. AUDEBERT, A.J.M., EMPERAIRE, J.C., LARUE-CHARLUS, S., and VAN DER PAS, H. Clinical performance of the Ombrelle 250—a new copper IUD. In: Zatuchni, G.I., Goldsmith, A., and Sciarra, J.J., eds. Intrauterine contraception: advances and future prospects. Philadelphia, Harper & Row, 1985. p. 263–265.

17. AZNAR, R., REYNOSO, L., MONTEMAYOR, G., and GINER, J. Post-placental insertion of IUDs. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 1(2): 143–148. Apr. 1980.

18. BAKER, J. Contraceptive safety research in Asia: a literature review. Bangkok, Population Council, Aug. 1983. 113 p.

19. BANHARNSUPAWAT, L. and ROSENFIELD, A.G. Immediate postpartum IUD insertion. Obstetrics and Gynecology 38(2): 276–285. Aug. 1971.

20. BATAR, I. Fertility after IUD removal. In: Hafez, E.S.E. and Van Os, W.A.A., eds. Medicated intrauterine devices: physiological and clinical aspects. The Hague, Netherlands, Martinus Nijhoff, 1980. p. 159–168.

21. BATÁR, I. Clinical experience with the MLCu250 IUD (eight-year results). Advances in Contraception 1(4): 329–335. Dec. 1985.

22. BEERTHUIZEN, R.J.C.M., VAN WIJCK, J.A.M., ESKES, T.K.A.B., VERMEULEN, A.H.M., and VOOIJS, G.P. Pathomorphologic changes in the oviducts in IUD patients. In: Hafez, E.S.E. and Van Os, W.A.A., eds. Medicated IUDs and polymeric delivery systems. Detroit, Hafez and Van Os, 1979. p. 35A–35B.

23. BELHADJ, H., SIVIN, I., DIAZ, S., et. al. Recovery of fertility after use of the levonorgestrel 20 mg/d or Copper T 380 Ag intrauterine device. Contraception 34(3): 261–267. Sep. 1986.

24. BELL, T.A. and HOLMES, K.K. Age-specific risks of syphilis, gonorrhea, and hospitalized pelvic inflammatory disease in sexually experienced U.S. women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 11(4): 291–295. Oct.-Dec. 1984.

25. BENSON, P. (PATH/PIACT) [Research on new IUDs] Personal communication, Oct. 16, 1987.

26. BERENT, J. Family planning in Europe and USA in the 1970s. Voorburg, Netherlands, International Statistical Institute, Oct. 1982. (World Fertility Survey Comparative Studies No. 20) 33 p.

27. BERNARD, R.P. IUD performance patterns—a 1970 world view. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 8(6, Pt. 2): 926–940. Nov. 1970.

28. BHATTACHARJEE, P.J., RAO, A.N., and GOWDA, H.B.S. A study of IUD retention in Karnataka. Population Centre Bangalore Newsletter 7(1): 1–7. Jan.-Mar. 1987.

29. BLACKBURN, B. (US Agency for International Development) [US AID IUD supplies, 1984–87] Personal communication, Jun. 1, 1987.

30. BLOUNT, J.H., REYNOLDS, G.H., and RICE, R.J. Pelvic inflammatory disease: incidence and trends in private practice. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 32(4SS): 27SS–34SS. 1983.

31. BLUM, M. and PERY, J. Prevention of iron deficiency anemia in IUD users by prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 5(1): 21–23. Jan. 1984.

32. BOGUE, D.J. and BOGUE, E.J. Comparative birth interval analysis. Chicago, University of Chicago, Community and Family Study Center, 1980. (Family Planning Research and Evaluation Manual No. 15) 129 p.

33. BOOTH, M., BERAL, V.A., and GUILLEBAUD, J. Effect of age on pelvic inflammatory disease in nulliparous women using a Copper 7 intrauterine contraceptive device. British Medical Journal 281(6233): 114. Jul. 12, 1980.

34. BOYD, E.F., Jr. and HOLMSTROM, E.G. Ovulation following therapeutic abortion. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 113(4): 469–473. Jun. 15, 1972.

35. BRASIL. CENTRO DE PESQUISAS DE ASSISTÊNCIA INTEGRADA À MU-LHER E À CRIANÇA (CPAIMC). IUD insertions by nursing personnel. Rio de Janeiro, CPAIMC, Aug. 1987. 21 p.

36. BRONNENKANT, L.J. (Finishing Enterprises, Inc.) [Lippes Loop specifications, instructions, sales] Personal communication, Sep. 16, 1987.

37. BROWN, G.F., JAIN, A.K., and GILL, J. Analysis of population policies and programs in India. New York, Population Council, Sep. 1987. 125 p.

38. BUCHMAN, M.I. A study of the intrauterine contraceptive device with and without an extracervical appendage or tail. Fertility and Sterility 21(4): 348–355. Apr. 1979.

39. BUDNICK, L.D. and PAKTER, J. Ectopic pregnancy in New York City, 1975–1980. American Journal of Public Health 72(6): 580–584. Jun. 1982.

40. BURKINA FASO. MINISTRY OF HEALTH (MOH). DEPARTMENT OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH. and COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. CENTER FOR POPULATION AND FAMILY HEALTH (CPFH). Du projet de recherche operationnelle: consolidation des services de prestation sanitaire en direction de la famille au Burkina Faso. [Final report on operations research project: consolidation of health delivery services for the family in Burkina Faso.][FRE] Ougadougou, Burkina Faso and New York, MOH and CPFH, Dec. 1986. 96 p.

41. BURKMAN, R.T. and WOMEN’S HEALTH STUDY. Association between intrauterine device and pelvic inflammatory disease. Obstetrics and Gynecology 57(3): 269–276. Mar. 1981.

42. BURNHILL, M.S. Intrauterine contraception. In: Corson, S.L., Derman, R.J., and Tyrer, L.B., eds. Fertility control. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1985. p. 271–285.

43. CANADA. COMMITTEE ON THE OPERATION OF THE ABORTION LAW. Report of the Committee on the Operation of the Abortion Law. Ottawa, Minister of Supply and Services, Canada, 1977. 474 p.

44. CARRON, J.M., MELIAN, M.M., MONTHEITH, R.S., MORRIS, L., KINCHEN, S., and WARREN, C.W. Family planning survey: Paraguay 1987. Atlanta, Georgia, Centers for Disease Control, Feb. 1988. 121 p.

45. CASTADOT, M.-J., ROBINOWITZ, M., CHERVENAK, F.A., SEDLIS, A., and BORIA, M.C. Recognizing malignancy in intrauterine contraceptive device users. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 136(7): 966–967. Apr. 1, 1980.

46. CATES, W., Jr., ORY, H.W., ROCHAT, R.W., and TYLER, C.W., Jr. The intrauterine device and deaths from spontaneous abortion. New England Journal of Medicine 295(21): 1155–1159. Nov. 18, 1976.

47. CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE POBLACIÓN Y PATERNIDAD RESPONSABLE (CEPAR). and ECUADOR. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES NUTRICIONALES Y MEDICO SOCIALES (ININMS). and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/WESTINGHOUSE (IRD/W). Ecuador Encuesta Nacional de Demografia y Salud Familiar. [Ecuador National Survey of Demography and Family Health.][SPA] [Quito], Ecuador, CEPAR and ININMS, and [Columbia, Maryland], IRD/W, 1987. 25 p.

48. CHAMPION, C. (Family Health International) [FHI’s IUD research program: ongoing studies and preliminary results] Personal communication, Jun. 1, 1987.

49. CHANG, M.-C., FREEDMAN, R., and SUN, T-H. Trends in fertility, family size preferences, and family planning practice: Taiwan, 1961–85. Studies in Family Planning 18(6): 320–337. Nov.-Dec. 1987.

50. CHANTLER, E.N. Copper loss from copper IUDs. In: Zatuchni, G.I., Goldsmith, A., Sciarra, J.J., and Osborn, C.K., eds. Intrauterine contraception: advances and future prospects. Philadelphia, Harper & Row, 1985. p. 198–210.

51. CHEN, P.C. Birth planning. In: United States. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). National Institutes of Health. Rural health in the People’s Republic of China: report of a visit by the Rural Health Systems Delegation, Jun. 1978. Washington, D.C., DHHS, 1980. (NIH Pub. No. 81–2124) p. 105–126.

52. CHETWYND, J. and CHAMBERS, H. Contraceptive use and experience amongst a sample of women attending their GP. New Zealand Family Physician 13: 157–160. Spring 1986.

53. CHI, I-C. IUD use in diabetic or lactating women or women after cesarean delivery—an epidemiologic perspective. In: Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems (Monograph 2), 1985. p. 287–297.

54. CHI, I-C. and KELLY, E. Is lactation a risk factor of IUD- and sterilization- related uterine perforation? A hypothesis. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 22(4): 315–317. Aug. 1984.

55. CHI, I-C., CHAMPION, C.B., and WILKENS, L. Cervical dilation in interval insertion of an IUD: who requires it and does it lead to a high expulsion rate? Contraception 36(4): 403–416. Oct. 1987.

56. CHI, I., FELDBLUM, P.J., and ROGERS, S.M. IUD-related uterine perforation: an epidemiologic analysis of a rare event using an international dataset. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 5: 123–130. 1984.

57. CHI, I-C., GALICH, L.F., TAUBER, P.F., WILKENS, L.R., WASZAK, C.S., SIEMENS, A.J., and LIPPES, J. Severe pain at interval IUD insertion: a case-control analysis of patient risk factors. Contraception 34(5): 483–495. Nov. 1986.

58. CHI, I-C., GALICH, L.F., TAUBER, P.F., WILKENS, L.R., WASZAK, C.S., SIEMENS, A.J., and LIPPES, J. Severe pain at interval IUD insertion: a case-control analysis of patient risk factors. Contraception 34(5): 483–495. Nov. 1986.

59. CHI, I-C., JI, G., SIEMENS, A.J., and WASZAK, C.S. IUD insertion at cesarean section—the Chinese experience. Advances in Contraception 2: 145–153. 1986.

60. CHI, I-C., WILKENS, L., and ROGERS, S. Expulsions in immediate postpartum insertions of Lippes Loop D and Copper T IUDs and their counterpart Delta devices—an epidemiological analysis. Contraception 32(2): 119–134. Aug. 1985.

61. CHI, I-C., WILKENS, L.R., and WASZAK, C.S. Difficulty in removal—a neglected IUD-related rare event. In: Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems (Monograph 2), 1985. p. 266–274.

62. CHI, I-C., WILKENS, L.R., SIEMENS, A.J., and LIPPES, J. Syncope and other vasovagal reactions at interval insertion of Lippes Loop D—who is most vulnerable? Contraception 33(2): 179–187. Feb. 1986.

63. CHI, I-C., WILKENS, L.R., SIEMENS, A.J., and POTTS, M. Rare events occurring at insertion of an intrauterine device—a review of an international experience. Advances in Contraception 3(1): 49–61. Mar. 1987.

64. CHI, I-C., ZHOU, S.-W., BALOGH, S., and NG, K. Post-cesarean section insertion of intrauterine devices. American Journal of Public Health 74(11): 1281–1282. Nov. 1984.

65. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE SALUD PUBLICO. PROGRAMA DE EXTENSION DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD MATERNO INFANTIL Y BIENESTAR FAMILIAR (PESMIB). Investigaciones en el campo de la salud materno infantil: 25 areas PESMIB 1973–1976: resumen y conclusiones. [Investigations in the field of maternal and child health: 25 areas from the Programa de Extension de Servicios de Salud Materno Infantil y Bienestar Familiar, 1973–1976: summary and conclusions.][SPA] Santiago, Chile, PESMIB, Dec. 1976. p. 3–5, 76–82.

66. CHINA POPULATION INFORMATION CENTRE (CPIC). Analysis on China’s National One-per-thousand-population Fertility Sampling Survey. Beijing, China, CPIC, 1984. 182 p.

67. CHINA. GENERAL OFFICE OF THE STATE FAMILY PLANNING COMMISSION. Statistics on population and family planning of China: 1986. 1987. 8 p. (Unpublished)

68. COHEN, J. Comparaison de DIU au cuivre T 200 avec et sans fil. [A comparative study of the Copper T 200 IUD with and without string.][FRE] Fertilité, Contraception, Sexualité 15(12): 1157–1160. Dec. 1987.

69. COLE, L. (Family Health International) [Event rates for postpartum insertion of various IUDs in multicenter study] Personal communication, Jul. 27, 1987.

70. COLE, L.P. and POTTS, D.M. Wider opportunities for IUD insertion. IPPF Medical Bulletin 17(1): 2–3. Feb. 1983.

71. COLE, L.P., EDELMAN, D.A., POTTS, D.M., WHEELER, R.G., and LAUFE, L.E. Postpartum insertion of modified intrauterine devices. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 29(9): 677–682. Sep. 1984.

72. COLE, L.P., MCCANN, M.F., HIGGINS, J.E., and WASZAK, C.S. Effects of breastfeeding on IUD performance. American Journal of Public Health 73(4): 384–388. Apr. 1983.

73. COLE, L.P., POTTS, D.M., ARANDA, C., BEHLILOVIC, B., ETMAN, S., MORENO, J., and RANDIC, L. An evaluation of the TCu 380Ag and the Multiload Cu375. Fertility and Sterility 43(2): 214–217. Feb. 1985.

74. COLLINS, J.A., GILLETT, P.G., PERLIN, I.A., EMBIL, J.A., ZAYID, I., RICHARDS, G., and KIRK, M.E. Microbiological and histological findings in the fallopian tubes of women using various contraceptive methods. Contraception 30(5): 457–466. Nov. 1984.

75. COLOMBIA. CORPORACIÓN CENTRO REGIONAL DE POBLACIÓN. and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/WESTINGHOUSE (IRD/W). Colombia: Enquesta de Demografia y Salúd 1986, informe preliminar. [Colombia: Demographic and Health Survey 1986, preliminary report.] [SPA] Columbia, Maryland, IRD/W, 1987. 34 p.

76. CONSUMERS UNION. The manufactured crisis: liability-insurance companies have created a crisis and dumped it on you. Consumer Reports, Aug. 1986. p. 544–549.

77. COSTA RICA DEMOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION (CRDA). and UNITED STATES. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC). The Costa Rica Fertility and Health Survey, 1986. [San Jose,] Costa Rica and Atlanta, Georgia, CRDA and CDC, Sep. 1987. 100 p.

* 78. CRAMER, D.W., SCHIFF, I., SCHOENBAUM, S.C., GIBSON, M., BELISLE, S., ALBRECHT, B., STILLMAN, R.J., BERGER, M.J., WILSON, E., STADEL, B.V., and SEIBEL, M. Tubal infertility and the intrauterine device. New England Journal of Medicine 312(15): 941–947. Apr. 11, 1985.

79. CRUESEN, L. (Organon International) [Development of MLCu-375 SL) Personal communication, Dec. 11, 1987.

80. CRUESEN, L. (Organon International) [Multiload production in Brazil] Personal communication, Jan. 15, 1988.

* 81. DALING, J.R., WEISS, N.S., METCH, B.J., CHOW, W.H., SODERSTROM, R.M., MOORE, D.E., SPADONI, L.R., and STADEL, B.V. Primary tubal infertility in relation to the use of an intrauterine device. New England Journal of Medicine 312(15): 937–941. Apr. 11, 1985.

* 82. DELANO, G.E. Intrauterine contraceptive device: clinical manual. [Boston], Pathfinder Fund, [1987]. 26 p.

83. DELGADO, G. (APROFA) [IUD use in Chile] Personal communication, Jul. 17, 1987.

84. DÍAZ, S., PAVEZ, M., CÁRDENAS, H., and CROXATTO, H.B. Recovery of fertility and outcome of planned pregnancies after the removal of Norplant subdermal implants or Copper-T IUDs. Contraception 35(6): 569–579. Jun. 1987.

85. DIEBEN, T. (Organon International) [Research on MLCu-250 with antiseptic coated strings] Personal communication, Dec. 17, 1987.

86. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. CONSEJO NACIONAL DE POBLACIÓN Y FAMILIA (CONAPOFA). and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/ WESTINGHOUSE (IRD/W). Encuesta demografica y de salud 1986. [Demographic and health survey 1986.][SPA] Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, NCPF, and [Columbia, Maryland], IRD/W, Feb. 1987. 21 p.

87. DORING, G., BAUR, S., FRANK, P., FREUNDL, G., and SOTTONG, U. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage zum Familienplanungsverhalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1985. [Results of a representative survey of family planning behavior in the Federal Republic of Germany 1985.][GER] Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 12(46): 857–920. Dec. 1986.

88. DREHER, E., CIMBER, H., and MUHLEMANN, M. Intrauterine occlusion body (IUB): preliminary report. [1987]. 18 p. (Unpublished)

89. DROST, R.H., MAES, R., and THIERY, M. Copper release from the MLCu375 intrauterine contraceptive device. IRCS Journal of Medical Science 11(10): 895. Oct. 1983.

90. EDELMAN, D.A., BERGER, G.S., and KEITH, L.G. Intrauterine devices and their complications. Boston, G.K. Hall, 1979. 263 p.

91. EDELMAN, D.A., ZIPPER, J., RIVERA, M., and MEDEL, M. Timing of the IUD insertion. Contraception 19(5): 449–454. May 1979.

92. ELSTEIN, M. Pelvic inflammation and the intrauterine contraceptive device. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 60(4): 397. Apr. 1967.

93. ESCHENBACH, D.A. Acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Urologic Clinics of North America 11(1): 65–81. Feb. 1984.

94. ESCHENBACH, D.A. Epidemiology and diagnosis of acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Obstetrics and Gynecology 55(5, Suppl.): 142S-152S. May 1980.

95. ESCHENBACH, D.A. and SODERSTROM, R.M. IUDs and salpingitis. In: Hafez, E.S.E. and Van Os, W.A.A., eds. IUD pathology and management. Boston, G.K. Hall, 1980. (Progress in Contraceptive Delivery Systems Vol. 3) p. 147–158.

96. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. Careful IUD insertion can reduce STD transmission. Network 8(2): 7. Winter 1987.

97. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. IUDs and PID: understanding the American situation. Network 8(2): 8. Winter 1987.

98. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. IUD Update: What family planners should know. 8(2): 1-3. Winter 1987.

99. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. Postpartum IUDs in Mexico. Network 6(2): 8. Winter 1985.

100. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. Preventing PID in IUD acceptors at insertion. Network 8(2): 3. Winter 1987.

101. FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG (FPAHK). Family planning knowledge, attitude and practice in Hong Kong 1982. Wanchai, Hong Kong, FPAHK, 1984. 125 p.

102. FARLEY, T.M.M. Life-table methods for contraceptive research. Statistics in Medicine 5: 475–489. 1986.

103. FAULKNER, W.L. and ORY, H.W. Intrauterine devices and acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Journal of the American Medical Association 235(17): 1851–1853. Apr. 26, 1976.

104. FINISHING ENTERPRISES (FI). Prescribing information: Copper T model TCu 200B. North Tonawanda, New York, FI, 1985. 6 p. (Pamphlet)

105. FINISHING ENTERPRISES (FI). Prescribing information: Copper T model TCu 380A. North Tonawanda, New York, FI, 1985. 6 p. (Pamphlet)

106. FISHEL, S.B. and EDWARDS, R.G. Human chorionic gonadotropin secreted by preimplantation embryos cultured in vitro. Science 223 (4638): 816–818. Feb. 24, 1984.

* 107. FISHER, A.A. and SILVA, V. DE. Satisfied IUD acceptors as family planning motivators in Sri Lanka. Studies in Family Planning 17(5): 235–242. Sep.-Oct. 1986.

108. FLESH, G., WEINER, J.M., CORLETT, R.C., Jr., BOICE, C., MISHELL, D.R., Jr., and WOLF, R.M. The intrauterine contraceptive device and acute salpingitis: a multifactor analysis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 135(3): 402–408. Oct. 1, 1979.

109. FOREMAN, H., STADEL, B.V., and SCHLESSELMAN, S. Intrauterine device usage and fetal loss. Obstetrics and Gynecology 58(6): 669–677. Dec. 1981.

110. FORNARY, J. (International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)) [IPPF IUD supplies 1986–87] Personal communication, Oct. 23, 1987.

111. FORREST, J.D. The end of IUD marketing in the United States: What does it mean for American women? Family Planning Perspectives 18(2): 52–57. Mar.-Apr. 1986.

112. FRASER, S. Vietnam’s campaign makes progress. People 14(3): 25. 1987.

* 113. GALLEN, M. and LETTENMAIER, C.L. Counseling makes a difference. Population Reports, Series J, No. 35. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Population Information Program, Jul.-Aug. 1987. 32 p.

114. GALVEZ, R.S., GALICH, L., GUIROLA, A.M., COLE, L.P., and WASZAK, C. A comparative study of the TCu200B with and without strings. Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems 1: 107–112. 1985.

115. GAO J., ZENG S., SUN B., WU S., DONG J., CONG J., ZHU X., FAN H., HAN L., and ZHENG X. Menstrual blood loss, haemoglobin and ferritin concentration of Beijing women wearing steel ring, VCu 200, and TCu 220c IUDs. Contraception 34(6): 559–571. Dec. 1986.

116. GIBOR, Y. and PHARRIS, B. Grossesse extra-uterine et D.I.U. [Extrauterine pregnancies and IUD use.][FRE] Contraception, Fertilite, Sexualite 8(2): 109–120. Feb. 1980.

117. GOH, T.H. and HARIHARAN, M. Effect of laparoscopic sterilization and insertion of Multiload Cu 250 and Progestasert IUDs on serum ferritin levels. Contraception 28(4): 329–336. Oct. 1983.

118. GOH, T.H. and TONG, S.L. Patterns of copper loss—a comparison of the multiload Cu250, TCu-220C and Cu7 IUDs. Contraception 33(4): 411–420. Apr. 1986.

119. GOH, T.H., ANG, E.S., and YIP, Y.C. Menstrual flow duration and spotting following Multiload Copper 250 intra-uterine device insertion. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 4(2): 127–128. Oct. 1983.

120. GOH, T.H., HARIHARAN, M., and CHAN, G.L. Anaemia and menstrual blood loss studies in women using Multiload Cu250 and Progestasert IUDs. Contraception 29(4): 359–366. Apr. 1984.

121. GOH, T.H., HUTAPEA, H., MCCARTHY, T., et. al. A multicenter randomized comparative investigation of ML Cu250, TCu-220C and Cu7 IUDs. Advances in Contraceptive Delivery Systems, 1985. (Monograph 1) p. 126–130.

122. GOLDMAN, N., PEBLEY, A.R., and WESTOFF, C.F. Probabilities of conception in Latin America. Presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Apr. 30, 1982. 30 p.

123. GOLDSTUCK, N.D. Pain reduction during and after insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device. Advances in Contraception 3(1): 25–36. Mar. 1987.

124. GONZALEZ, M.L., EMMONS, D.W., and PIENIAZEK, D. Socioeconomic characteristics of medical practice 1986. Chicago, Illinois, American Medical Association, 1986. p. 12–16, 136–137.

125. GRAY, R.H. and LABBOK, M. Family planning components in community based distribution projects: risk/benefit considerations in the choice of methods. In: Wawer, M., Huffman, S., Cebula, D., and Osborn, R. Health and family planning in community-based distribution programs. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1985. p. 65–103.

* 126. GRAY, R.H., RAMOS, R., AKIN, A., and BERNARD, R. Manual for the provision of intrauterine devices (IUDs). Geneva, World Health Organization, 1980. 51 p.

* 127. GRIMES, D.A. Intrauterine devices and pelvic inflammatory disease: recent developments. Contraception 36(1): 97–110. Jul. 1987.

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129. GUERRA, F., WARREN, C.W., OBERLE, M.W., and MORRIS, L. Maternal-child health/family planning survey: Panama 1984. Atlanta, Georgia, Centers for Disease Control, Mar. 1986. 140 p.

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* 225. LUUKKAINEN, T., ALLONEN, H., HAUKKAMAA, M., LÄHTEENMÄKI, P., NILSSON, C.G., and TOIVONEN, J. Five years’ experience with levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs. Contraception 33(2): 139–148. Feb. 1986.

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235. MISHELL, D.R., Jr., ISRAEL, R., and FREID, N. A study of the Copper T intrauterine contraceptive device (TCu 200) in nulliparous women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 116(8): 1092–1096. Aug. 15, 1978.

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243. MOYER, D.L. and MISHELL, D.R., Jr. Reactions of human endometrium to the intrauterine foreign body: 2. Long-term effects on the endometrial histology and cytology. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 111: 68–80. Sep. 1, 1971.

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247. MURRAY, S., HICKEY, J.B., and HOUANG, E. Significant bacteremia associated with replacement of intrauterine contraceptive device. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 156(3): 698–700. Mar. 1987.

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249. NASH, H. (Population Council) [Planned research for the levonorgestrel-releasing IUD and TCu-380Ag; lifespan of copper IUDs] Personal communication, Oct. 2, 1987.

250. NEHRA, P.C. and MAGYAR, D.M. Hematologic characteristics in IUD users. Contraceptive Delivery Systems 3(2): 149–154. Apr. 1982.

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252. NEWTON, J.R. Copper intrauterine devices: evaluation for long-term use: a review. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Suppl. 4): 20–31. Sep. 1982.

253. NEWTON, W. and KEITH, L.G. Role of sexual behavior in the development of pelvic inflammatory disease. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 30(2): 82–88. Feb. 1985.

254. NIELSEN, N.-C., PYÖRÄLÄ, T., ALLONEN, H., NYGREN, K.-G., and LUUKKAINEN, T. Four years of the comparative study with Nova T and Copper T 200. [1982]. 22 p. (Unpublished)

255. NIGERIA. ONDO STATE. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. MEDICAL/PREVENTATIVE HEALTH DIVISION. and INSTITUTE FOR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/WESTINGHOUSE (IRD/W). Ondo State, Nigeria: Demographic and Health Survey 1986: preliminary report. Columbia, Maryland, IRD/W, Aug. 1987. 20 p.

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299. ROBERTSON, E.M. Is the malpractice crisis filtering down to family planning? Contraceptive Technology Update 7(6): 61–64. Jun. 1986.

300. ROBERTSON, E.M., ed. Proceed with caution during difficult IUD insertion. Contraceptive Technology Update 9(3): 25–28. Mar. 1988.

Population Reports is published by the Population Information Program, Center for Communication Programs, The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012, USA

Palavras chave: p , iud, iuds, intrauterine, health, van, acog, new, 1987, delivery systems, audebert ajm, national, contraceptive, l, and , audebert, systems, in: hafez ese, obstetricians gynecologists, gynecologists acog,


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