Cloreto de Magnésio

Equipe Editorial Bibliomed

Base de dados : LILACS . Pesquisa : uso AND terapeutico AND cloreto AND magnesio . Total de referências : 6 . . 1/6 . Id: 304672 . Autor: Prado, W. A; Machado Filho, E. B. . Título: Antinociceptive potency of aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium chloride: a comparative study on models of phasic and incisional pain in rats. . Fonte: Braz. j. med. biol. res;35(3):395-403, Mar. 2002. ilus. Projeto FAPESP. 00/02742-4. . . Resumo: A close relationship exists between calcium concentration in the central nervous system and nociceptive processing. Aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium interact with N- and P/Q-type voltage- operated calcium channels. In the present study we compare the antinociceptive potency of intrathecal administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium chloride in the tail-flick test and on incisional pain in rats, taken as models of phasic and persistent post-surgical pain, respectively. The order of potency in the tail-flick test was gentamicin (ED50 = 3.34 æg; confidence limits 2.65 and 4.2) > streptomycin (5.68 æg; 3.76 and 8.57) = neomycin (9.22 æg; 6.98 and 12.17) > magnesium (19.49 æg; 11.46 and 33.13). The order of potency to reduce incisional pain was gentamicin (ED50 = 2.06 æg; confidence limits 1.46 and 2.9) > streptomycin (47.86 æg; 26.3 and 87.1) = neomycin (83.17 æg; 51.6 and 133.9). ...

Palavras chave: =, pain, magnesium, æg;, n =, n, dz, mgcl2, rats, percent, mmol/kg, potency, magnesium chloride, tail-flick, phasic, antibiotics, study, mg/kg n =, present study, calcium channels,


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