A Síndrome da Falência de Múltiplos Órgãos - 1a. Ed. - Referências

Referências Aarsen Pn, Zeegers A. Effects of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and bradykinin on the vascular system of the isolated lungs of guinea-pigs and the influence of phenylbutazone on these effects. Br J Pharmacol, 1972; 45: 284. Aberman A, Fulop M. Metabolic and respiratory acidosis of acute pulmonary edema. Ann Int Med, 1972; 76: 173. Aboim Ev. Isquemia hepática: alterações metabólicas. Medicina de Hoje, 1977; 23: 4. Abraham E, Jesmok G, Tuder R et al. Contribution of tumor necrosis factor-? to pulmonary cytokine expression and lung injury after hemorrhage and resuscitation. Crit Care Med, 1995; 23: 1.319. Abraham E, Park YC, Covington P et al. Liposomal prostaglandin E1 in acute respiratory distress syndrome: A placebo-controlled, randomixed, double-blind, multicenter clinical trial. Crit Care Med, 1996; 24: 10. Abraham R, Richmond Nj, Chang YH et al. Effects of hemorrhage on interleukin-1 production. Cir Shock 1988; 25: 33. Addington....


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